Tylana Crann

Tylana Crann was born and raised in the village of Armskirk in the heart of Emerald Folk lands. It was nearby she received her calling as a Druid one night when an aurora was seen over her family's cottage in the forests. Tylana trained diligently to aid her people by ensuring the natural cycles were observed as well as keeping her villages crops healthy and flourishing. Some time after her training she fell in love with an elf, who was traveling through the nearby forests and settled down for a time to have two children, Cunan, and Little Crann. Little Crann is yet too young to have his naming ceremony, and thus is only called his given name by his immediate family.   Tylana has been active in the village of Sylvanus where she was charmed by the Demon Jester's vile minions, but was rescued from the curse when he was defeated, and gained immunity to demonic and devilish charms in the process. Also Tylana was instrumental in the assault of the bandits near Skrattafell, where she disrupted their ranks with numerous spells.   Tylana is a founding member of the Grove of Yggdrasil.


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