Ladder: Occultist in Dawn of Others | World Anvil

Ladder: Occultist

Regardless of state-run agencies and cults, the manners of magic are known to few. It is hidden, often in plain sight. It is knowledge of the immeasurable, alien wisdom bleeding into our reality from another world, a dimension so foreign as to drive those who look too deep insane. So many people peered into that darkness with the smallest of candles. He was born with a flashlight.

The Esoteric

He can always choose to use Vigor instead of Wisdom for Perception checks. Proficiency with Commune.

A New Age

+1 Vigor
Vessel +3

Natural Magic

+1 Vigor
Vessel Regeneration +2

Qualities of the Aether

+2 Vigor
+2 Detection and Induce

Arcane Synthesis

+2 Vigor
Double proficiency modifier for Induce.

Traditional Master

+2 Dexterity
As an action, he completely refills his vessel. Once he uses this ability, he cannot use it again until he finishes a long rest.

Ladder Gains

  • +1 bonus to AC
  • +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls.
  • Vessel increases by 2.


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