The Covenant of the Mecha Faction

Covenant of the Mecha Characters

  • Alignment: Usually lawful and usually neutral
  • Suggested Races: Other
  • Suggested Classes: Techie, Magus, Gunslinger
  • Suggested Archetypes: Darkslinger, Magician, Technomancer
  • Suggested Ladders: Occultist, Savant
You might enjoy playing a character who belongs to the Covenant of the Mecha if one or more of the following statements are true:
  • You want to play a strategist who thrives on blending arcane mastery with cutting-edge technology.
  • Someone drawn to the idea of becoming a living weapon through magic and cybernetics.
  • You want to play a person eager to embrace extreme enhancements for power and leadership.
  • You want to explore the idea of being willing to sacrifice freedom for ultimate strength and purpose.

Background: Covenant of the Mecha

If your character was born and raised in Dark Syde, you can choose this background instead of those listed in the Ultra Modern Redux rule book.   You were born exhibiting unnatural abilities within a division of the Covenant. You were brought before the apostles and declared beatified. Taken away from your family, you underwent rigorous training and cybernetic experimentation without your consent to fully develop your abilities. Whether or not you had grown to accept their dogma is up to you. You emerged damaged psychologically but powerful in the ways of the dark. They made you this way. You owe them a debt, but you may also wish to destroy them.
  • Skill Proficiencies. Detection and Induce
  • Languages. One language of your choice.
  • Equipment. Mark 1 Implant Vessel (Cybernetic)

Feature: Position of Power

Due to your status as an elite within the Covenant, others instinctively respect and defer to you. You move through society with unquestioned authority, and most assume your presence is both intentional and necessary. The common people strive to meet your needs and avoid incurring your disfavor, while those in positions of power recognize you as one of their own. When required, you can easily command an audience with influential figures or local leaders.

Suggested Characteristics

Those within the Covenant of the Mecha are molded by an upbringing far removed from ordinary life, where rigorous discipline, elite training, and the fusion of magic with cybernetics shape every aspect of their being. Their personalities reflect the precision and control demanded of them, driven by the weight of immense expectations and intricate bonds of loyalty to their superiors and peers. Marked both physically and psychologically by their training, their cybernetic enhancements serve as visible symbols of their transformation, amplifying their abilities while distancing them from the uninitiated. Conditioned to suppress fear and doubt, they become formidable forces of will, their minds fortified through relentless mental conditioning and arcane-technical mastery. Though they command respect and fear from society, within the Covenant, they navigate a web of deep connections forged through shared trials, bound by a lifetime of service and unwavering loyalty to the mission of protecting and expanding Dark Syde’s power.

Covenant of the Mecha Personality Traits

You are not bound by the limits of flesh or magic alone. Within you lies the power to transcend both.
-Varael Nexis


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