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The most advanced race discovered by humanity by the time of the Imperial Civil War. When first contact was made the Sinvas had already reached their moon, seeing how far the society had come the Imperials extended an offer to the Sinvas, and the Sinvas willingly joined the Empire in exchange for large scale technological advancements. Having deemed their people ready the Sinvas were allowed full citizenship to the Empire, being allowed to live on any world they chose. As another offer of peace and goodwill the second garden world in the Sinvas home system was set aside for Sinvas Colonization.   The most advanced species to have been discovered by Humanity by the current era, the Sinvas had already started their Space Age having already reached their moon. After brief hostilities during first contact Humanity recognized how far their society had come and extended an invitation for the Sinvas to join their Empire as equal citizens. The Sinvas willingly accepted in exchange for large scale technological advancements.

As the only species to receive equal citizenship to Humanity the Sinvas were allowed free movement across any of the worlds within Human Space, and as a gesture of good will the second Garden World within the Sinvas Home System was set aside for Sinvas Colonization. Showing natural aptitude for trade and commerce paired with their small stature has found the Sinvas taking primarily administrative, or accounting jobs across the Empire. However on their Homeworld the Sinvas make up the entirety of the Defense Force, both naval and garrison forces. Although Some Sinvas serve within the Alien Legion Expeditionary Force they make up a smaller portion of the Forces than other species such as the Quingall.

Basic Information


A small bipedal reptilian species, humanoid in appearance.

Ecology and Habitats

Native to a relatively small terrestrial world, of a largely tropical and wet climate.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

Sinvas Parliament: The primary governing body of the of the Sinvas.

Sinvas Defense Fleet: The small fleet under direct command of the Sinvas Parliament.

Sinvas Guard: The local defense and security force of the Sinvas.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Sinvas Basic: a streamlined and combined language system created after the first contact with humanity. Is taught as a second language to all Sinvas during primary eduaction.


Early History

Much like Humanity the path to the Current Era was long and violent, marred with conflict between regional powers and city states. Developing the idea of larger nation states later in their history than their Human counter parts, the Sinvas found the use of soft power and cultural domination to be the driving forces of change for much of their history. Early in their "Modern Era" the Sinvas unified under a single planet wide government, The Sinvas Parliamentary Coalition. Under this system a collection of regional powers and city-states governed the whole of their people with large great success.

First Contact

First Contact between Humanity and the Sinvas was made largely by accident after a research vessel the _____ entered the system. After detecting unsecured communications coming from the planet in an unknown language the crew of the _____ moved to investigate the planet of Sinvar as it would come to be known. Expecting a late industrial age society the crew was caught off guard when they were detected in high orbit. Hailed directly from the planet the initial exchange was short and tense, and the weary Sinvas misinterpreted the crafts function. Firing modified warheads from the surface, the ____ was clipped and her FTL Drives were taken offline and the communications array was badly damaged by the ensuing explosion. The message received by the Human Naval Command was badly scrambled and led to a sever response from Humanity. The Imperial Navy dispatched a Vanguard Fleet from the 1st Fleet Corps to rescue the disabled vessel and to secure the space over Sinvar.

Surprised to find no hostile fleet waiting for them, the Human Fleet turned their attention to the planet below. Using data collected by the ____ while it waited in orbit, the Fleet under the Command of _____ attacked Sinvas Military instillations across the planets surface. Hopelessly out matched both in technology and physical ability the Sinvas quickly sought terms with Humanity. The Sinvas expecting the worst were pleasantly surprised to find the Human Leadership to be agreeable and well intentioned.

Terms of Peace


The Sinvas were allowed to maintain their own systems of government within their own worlds, and the ruling Parliamentary Coalition was left entirely intact. However the Sinvas were expected to make maintain at the civil liberties guaranteed to all full citizens of the Empire. This represented little change to the democratic peoples of the Sinvas but set the precedent for a uniform legal code between Humanity and the Sinvas. Further more the Sinvas were the only non-human species to receive full voting rights to the Empire at large.

Technological Exchange

Prior to First Contact, the Sinvas were an early Space Age peoples and as part of their integration to the wider Empire were elevated to the Current Era. Humanity designed custom built star ships, and shared their FTL technology with the Sinvas. This exchange of civilian and military technology brought the Sinvas into an unparalleled golden age, colonizing ____ with in a few decades, and emigrating to established colonies across the Empire.


The Treaty of Sinvar established the modern Sinvas Military as well as establishing the Alien Legion Expeditionary Force (ALEF). The post treaty Sinvas Military was divided into the Navy and Defense Forces. The Navy was a single fleet of custom built warships, the Sinvar Defense Fleet. The Defense Force served as the ground forces of the Sinvas Military, a garrison that modernized by Humanity. The soldiers wore specially designed armor that offered protection from the small arms of their people. The branch established was the Expeditionary Force, the only assault units which the Sinvas could serve in. As a branch of the wider Imperial Legion the Expeditionary Force was established as a way for the Sinvas to serve within the Legion Command Structure.

Average Height
1.07 Meters to 1.42 Meters
Average Weight
27.2 Kilograms to 34.0 Kilograms
Average Physique
The Sinvas are lean, with little in the way of excess muscle. Even particularly strong Sinvas are more comperable to adolescent Humans than to adults.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The Sinvas range in color from a pale blues to dark purples. Male Sinvas tend to be more vibrantly colored, presenting with richer redder tones to their skin, while Females tend to be a more pale and understated blue hue. Humans have noted that color seems to be less ethnic/regional and more related to gender and age, with skin tone fading as they age.


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