Common, South | Callonge' Language in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Common, South | Callonge'

The language of Callonge' developed from the trade along the Calleaon River as it became the main artery for civilization over the millenia.  Given the cultural proximity and flourishing trade with the Terroccan speaking people of the west, the vocabulary of the two languages share many words, especially some of the more modern ones as goods flow between the peoples.   The language is often describes as flowing or romantic, with much of the poetry over the last several centuries written in it, even by people who primarily speak other languages.   The dialects are few, however Harwish is noticeably different from the others.   Arenshold however also has another fairly distinct dialect as the founders being Terroccan speaking Aldaani have had an effect on the language in high society.

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