Common, West | Terroccan Language in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Common, West | Terroccan

The language most used by the people in the settled lands west of The Divide and north of The Emanten Plains. This grew out of the old tongue by the Aldaani who settled The Westlands and become known as Terroccan in recognition of the old name for the region. This then took on many regional dialects as the Aldaani spread over the western region of Riela.   As the Aldaani spread to cover a larger area than any other of the human peoples, their language took on more separate dialects than the others as the cultures separated and advanced. The different dialects are usually similar enough that they can be understood by anyone speaking Western Common.   There are however some notable exceptions, especially the Ysgallic people of the far north (who descend ethnically and linguistically from the Terroccan Aldaani peoples) who have had the Terroccan language form into a dialect almost unrecognizable outside of general grammatical structure. To the point the Hogenun dialect is debated in many academic circles as being it's own language and colloquially referred to as North Common by many who study or do trade with the tribes of the Freerage. Given that many sub-dialects of Hoganun exist between the separate tribes, it is often difficult to fully learn.

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