Fallmeet Settlement in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Generally considered the de-facto "capital" of the Freerange, the neutral ground of Fallmeet is little more than a vast mead hall where the elders reside and "The Fallmeet" takes place. During the majority of the year is it home to only a few dozen people with the eldest member of each tribe or clan, any living spouses and no more than one able bodied servant per elder.   The great hall is an enormous building meant to hold over five hundred men and women in negotiations and celebrations when in use. With great hearths and space for enormous casks of ale or mead. A few outlying structures house the elders and their servants, however most of the other structures store vast quantities of firewood for use by the residents and for feeding the great hearths in the annual Fallmeet.   The Fallmeet event happens in the last two weeks of September every year where the various tribes and clans gather to conduct negotiations, pass information and make large celebration in the weeks immediately preceding the start of the long and harsh winter. Mostly however it is an opportunity for trade between the clans and with any outsiders who brave the journey to reach the Fallmeet. Every merchants from the dwarves of the Northwind Mountains arrive, every few years merchants from Halfmeet will even make the journey. To this day the sanctity of The Fallmeet has been upheld with not one battle breaking out even between warring tribes or clans. Everyone understands that the necessity of the ability to negotiate and trade in peace is critical to the survival of the people as a whole in the unforgiving environment, for now.
Trade post

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