Greater Acrintine Organization in Dawnstorm | World Anvil
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Greater Acrintine

Four centuries after the fall of the Arkenian Empire, Theogradious the Great campaigned across south-west Riela, bringing much of the region under his control in a time of great chaos.  With the absorption of Arkenport into the empire, Theogradious declared Acrintine to be the true successor to the Arkenian Empire, this caused significant friction with the Western Arkenian Empire still surviving to Acrintine's north.  Numerous border skirmishes and a few large scale wars were conducted between the empires in the early-mid fourth age.   The Acrintine Empire was plagued by the inevitable fallout of the succession laws of the realm that dictated land holdings be divided between the emperor's sons rather than the eldest inheriting the realm.  This caused constant fracturing and reuniting through warfare, diminishing the economic and military capacity of the realm.   While Greater Acrintine once held a large portion of the Southwest of Riela for centuries. Eventually the emperor divided the realm among his sons and the empire was partitioned for the last time in 4520.
Dissolution Date
Geopolitical, Empire

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