Alswich Town

Society Alswich Town is a peaceful, quiet town. The residents here tend to keep to themselves and keep a respectful distance from visitors, both in conversation and space between them. Shop keepers and the such are pleasant and patient. Servers are timely and attentive. If a person found themselves ill or injured, people around them would not hesitate to help them. Agitated visitors are handled with calm and patience, though the people of Alswich Town will not hesitate to meet for with the same or greater force if necessary. For any causal observer, there is clearly an apprehension toward High Orcs and High Ogres whenever they are in town. They are often watched with intense interest and, it seems, that an Alswich Ranger materializes in the area.   Etymology Valothlion is considered to be the final resting place of the great elven scout Daanthedhor. The Great Elders of the Northern Wood tell of the famed scout who helped hold off a vast horde of the “Veiled” until the assembled host of northern Alteria could arrive to defeat this powerful enemy. The small river branch that cuts the town in half is said to be the rending of the land in sorrow when Daanthedhor fell to the last three Veiled foes. Valothlion is an honorific for the tree ent Valo, who is said to have carefully taken the body of Daanthedhor into the Northern Wood to be finally find his final rest. In the northeast corner of town rests an arch of polished stone that was built by an unknown source, though it is agreed upon this was left as a marker for where Valo carried the body of Daanthedhor into the woods.



Industry & Trade

Imports Various stone, various metal ore, and inks.   Exports Timber, reagents, herbs, seeds, and silk.   Trade and Commerce Lumber is the top source of income for the town. Through a carefully drafted agreement with many of the Northern Wood’s elders and leaders, the town is able to cut a designated amount of wood, process it, and then send it down river to Merry City and the other settlements on Agnus. The elves of the Wood also bring a large amount of herbs, seeds, and reagents useful for a number of crafts, medicines, and magic rituals. The silk refined from the large spiders of the forests is considered some of the strongest that can be found in the shard. This is a dangerous trade to maintain, as the spiders are not overly fond of a silk collector or adventurer wandering in their caverns and habitats. Within the town, the “adventurer economy” is a strong force and brings the many merchants in town a good amount of coin.

Guilds and Factions

Alswich Rangers - These fearless scouts are masters of survival and wilderness exploration. Trained to hunt down dangerous creatures and determined enemies in the wildlands of both the Norther Wood and greater shard of Dayne. The Rangers are a force to be reckoned with. Trained intensely in a variety of roles, these crafty scouts make their home in the wilds and feel an powerful sense of camaraderie with one another. Rangers are expert marksmen with the longbow and carry specially weighted bows. An Alswich Ranger bow is unique to each bearer and rare to find outside their ranks.


Alswich Town acts as a “port of entry” to the Northern Wood for the Free Cities. Originally a small trading post established by hunters, trappers, and adventurers to facility trade with their elven neighbors from the Northern Wood. The elves of the area consider this land a neutral location that matters of importance can be discussed without risk of war or an open hostility. The town grew gradually over the next century into what it is today. Several shops, stores, and other merchant locations are open throughout the town. Alswich Town is a favorite of many adventurers due to its plentiful stock, relative safety, and remoteness from any established government. A defensive pact with the residents of the settlement and their elven neighbors make any raids or attacks on this place a very bad idea. Alswich Rangers are some of the best scouts and trackers in the continent. A loyal, but small, defense force for the town garrisons on the northern edge of town and work with Rangers to the north in terms of handling complex issues in the others territory. These circumstances are rare but not unheard of.

Points of interest

Valo’s Arch – In the northeast corner of the settlement, an arch of polished stone sits at the forests edge. At night, it shines with a pale light that emanates from arch. The arch is cool to the touch, regardless of the current conditions around it.   The War Merchant - The cluttered shop of a male elf weapon merchant named Elethoth, known for his collection of strange and exotic blades. It is rumored that the weapons are provided to him by far off merchants.


Alswich Town is situated in the northern region of Alteria, being one of the towns on the Northern Wood southern border. The town is located on the eastern side of the Quadlam River and is northwest of the Merry City.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Majority Elf, Dryad, Sylvanborn, and human


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