Amir Reza Fardin

Human, Sultan of the Al’shizar Empire - As the only child of Sultan Tenerin Faradin, Amir was raised to be a fair leader to the numerous people of the Al’shizar Empire. As mandated by royal law, he was required to spend time within the military forces of the lands and learn respect by answering to those appointed above him. Over time, he personally spearheaded the military effort against to solidify the defences of the Frozen Sands. At the height of his power and alongside his uncle Shabab, a general of the army, Amir was sent to Valo with the purpose restoring trade routes hindered by their conflicts with the Dabu Greenlands. His efforts were successful, as well as those efforts to keep the Dabu sated in their affairs. By this virtue, as vizier to his father in the capital. In the following years, he led forays against the persistent pirate threats in the area, as well as staved off rebellion in Moriak. Amir has escaped two attempts on his life by the assassins, personally killing all involved.   Under Amir’s capable command, the Al’shizar army defeated a large mercenary / pirate force at the decisive Battle of Kings Bay, capturing a small fortress located on an island between Earia and the Valo port town of Bichport. This allow for the re-establishing naval dominance in Kings Bay. He is a cautious leader, considered a deliberate tactical thinker and master naval commander.
Current Location
Long Black
230 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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