Archduke Bramus Prayer

Human, Archduke – Bramus’ progression from his early childhood to becoming the Archduke of Apollyon is one of the more unique stories in Alteria. Bramus was raised in an orphanage near Laketown at a young age, never learning who his parents were. After an attack on the orphanage and town occurred, he was left alone and took to adventuring to help him navigate his grief. He helped several settlements with small problems and became increasingly aware of the looming presence of the slaver Kingdom of Mountbatten. At 18, he learned of a tournament that would allow its winner to become a squire under the famed High Knight Gaius Redfall. Bramus won and began his development as a soldier and eventual noble. Under the High Knight’s guidance, he learned many righteous traits. By the time of the War of Freedom, Bramus had already distinguished himself in multiple military engagements and travelled with experienced adventurers on multiple encounters.   When the War of Freedom began, he was a Baron of the Barony of Drakemye. The war molded him further through difficult tactical choices and the loss of his mentor at the Battle of the Red River. Having played pivotal part in the Battle of Crownsmen Bay, Bramus was personally recognized by the kingdom for his contributions during the devastating war. After the war, Bramus became a well-travelled ambassador for Kerak in nearly every corner of Dayne. Having earned the respect of many people, friend and foe alike, he was recalled and eventually given the title of Archduke. He was personally asked to lead the City of Apollyon and has been there over the last 2 years.
Current Location
Brown with some gray
220 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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