
Capital of The Realm of The Northern Wood



Asta'lendi literally translates in the Elven tongue to the "Undying Grounds". It is known that Elves are immortal beings that never succumb to old age. On Dayne, this remains true, but only if Elves live amongst the Trees. If an Elf ventures out the forests, they begin aging normally and would then have the lifespan of a mortal human, until returning.



Important People

King Arin Mith'rin, Elf, High Seat and King of The Northern Wood   Am'amari Quel'vanin, Elf, Keeper of the Histories   Fenel Longleaf, Elf, Retired Adventurer, Guildmaster of the Ironwood Adventureres Academy

Industry & Trade

Imports Glass, Wool, Oil, Wax, Precious Stones, Fine Jewelry,   Exports Wine, Spirits, Petrified Wood, Fine Silks, Linen, Foodstuff, Alchemy, Weaponsmithing, Fletching, Leather   Trade/Commerce Asta'lendi is home to more than nearly 20 guilds, from seafarers and financiers from the Upper Canopy, to Loremasters, Brewers, Tinkerers, Alchemists, Blacksmiths and nearly every skilled tradesperson in between. The everlasting life of the Elves, make the crafts created there to be perfected over decades and centuries of dedication.The city of Asta'lendi is one of the largest, busiest and most popular cities in all of Alteria. The Dryad and Elven city handling a wide variety of trades that rivaled even the sprawling cities of Gnollengrom or Kerak. Due to the fact trade was not tied to any individual's gain, anyone conducting business in a non-harmful manner was welcome to trade in the city. Asta'lendi will forever be accepted as the Utopia for the finer things in life. Fine wines and spirits as well as the highest end of fashion are preveleant there.

Guilds and Factions

Gomba Company- The newly formed group of Master Alchemists of The Northern Wood. With the departure of the Towenaar to Valo, The Spore Dryads of the Gomba Company are unmatched in their understanding of Alchemy and Herbal Lore.
  Elven Smiths of Bariant- The great weaponsmiths of Asta'lendi. Specializing in the creation of Magic weaponry. Created with Dryads in mind these Blades are created with sharpened Obsidan and, like thier creators, are everlasing to the test of time and rendered indestructible. Identifying a Bariant Blade is relatively easy, the black glass looking obsidian blade as well as the three diamonds shaped symbol on the base of the blade.
  Ironwood Adventurers Academy- Formed by retired Adventurers of Dayne, This guild is based out of Asta'lendi but has spread throughout the shard reaching even some of the smallest cities and pub towns. Everyone is welcome at the IAA, even for a story of times passed or help with a spell.
  The White Guard- Known shard wide, this devout Earth Guild, are the Undead & Necromancy vanquishers of Dayne. These Paladins have led campaigns against chaos and corruption throughtout the mistshard. The White Guard are widly recognized for thier white cloaks, emblazoned with a golden phoenix upon them.
  The Convocation- The most ancient order of Loremasters in Dayne. They delve not in any recent histories, these mostly elven members, have lived through and documented thier accounts of history. Many a member of The Convocation are established writers and scribes and have lived in The Northern Wood since the Age of Genisis.


The Capital City of Asta’lendi encompasses a large portion of the central part of the NE area of The Northern Wood. Its begining goes back thousands of years The royal seat, Aran Mith'rin, is known to be one of the oldest living people in all of Dayne. Historians in Dayne believe that in the Age of Genisis, the first people, The Sylvans, The Elves, and The Dryads reached this region and were the first to nurture the trees and begin building Asta'lendi. The oldest records indicate that the High Seat, Arin Mith'rin was among them and his hands built the city from the ground up. In its incetption, The city was built high in the canopy of the forest, rendering it invisible from the forest floor. In the centuries that followed, Asta'lendi olny grew. The Elves stayed and became stewards of the city, Arin Mith'rin claiming the High Seat. The Dryads wished to be amongst nature and populate areas throughout the Northern Wood. The Slyvans, feeling no direct connecton to Asta'lendi, choose to venture out and explore Dayne, as some of the premier Explorers and Navigators of the shard.


The Elves build their cities in conjunction with nature, rather than in opposition to it. The long-lived elves can afford to slowly shape and grow their environment as they desire. Elven buildings use living trees as support columns, and room for trees to grow through floors and ceilings. The great city of Asta'lendi has wrapping structures around a massive portion of the wood and tree branches are woven together to form bridges between city districts.


Asta'lendi lay in northern region of Alteria. Reaching from the Blue Mountains of Carn Mirdain, to the Eastern slopes of The Soranal Mountains. The entirety of The Northern Woods southern border touches The Free Cities of The Three Ladies. Two major rivers run through the wood, The Hightower, and The Quadlam, flowing into The Three Ladies.
Alternative Name(s)
The Eternal Forest, The Undying Grounds
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed: Mainly Elves and Dryads, small amounts of Sylvanborn and Stone Elves
Location under
Owning Organization


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