

The Kingdom of Valo is as well known for its extravagance. As an ambitious and wealthy nation, Valo has been able to exert power across large swathes of Pallidon via their military and commerce. These flourished greatly under Queen Amaya Valorim III’s rule, inspiring a current cultural renaissance in the Kingdom. Her public support for the University of the Light has enabled it to become one of the most prestigious educational institutions in Dayne, attracting nobles from Alteria and the Frozen Sands. Similarly, her support for the arts has enabled them to flourish in all Valo.   The Cheance is in constant “play” throughout the Kingdom of Valo. Every social and political move is calculated in order to achieve more power and better standing. There is a slight degree of permissiveness towards immoral or illegal acts in Valo, provided the unspoken rule is followed: it is only a crime if you are caught. Even the law can turn a benevolent if not blind eye; an commoner in Valo could earn himself a wink and a grin for a crime that would earn them a year in a dungeon Kerak or the Frozen Sands. Appearance is a major factor in everything within Valo, and society reflects this through fashion, makeup, art, architecture, food, and the many social scenes. It is said that to have the appearance of wealth and power is as important that actually being wealthy and powerful.   Cities within Valo attract artists from across Dayne to seek employers and contracts but is also home to internal talents as well. Son of Queen Amaya Valorim III, and an artist in his own right, Prince Venius Valorim is known for his works. He works diligently with models throughout the process of creating a sculpture, often celebrated dancers, performers, and athletes. Prince Venius draws and sculpts his subjects over and over, often requiring models to repeat a specific dance move or spontaneous gesture. This may include small, quick sketches or "maquette" in an oil-base plasticine clay. Using the "lost wax" method, he then cast the works of art into bronze. Using an artist method of patina, the Prince alters the surface color of the final composition. The completed patinated bronze is affixed to a marble base, also designed and selected by the artist as part of the overall sculptural composition.   The Grande Cahya Theater is home to many plays and performances. Valo theatre makes use of ceramic masks to denote character and roles, with the mask's shape and color denoting the character's status and importance to the plot. Plays cover a variety of genres and topics ranging from the historical to current social scandals. Valo also has a tradition of puppet theater. The puppets involved can be so complex as to need five puppeteers to work them. Simple shadow puppets made of wood and paper —some more fancifully made of teak— have risen in popularity at smaller parties and salons in the Kingdom. They are often enhanced with the use of colored glass lanterns and musical accompaniment.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Valo)

Industry & Trade

Imports Various metal ore, weapons, armor, lumber, books/tombs   Exports Horses, Precious Gems/Stones, Wood, Cattle, Wine/Liquors   Trade and Commerce Cahya trades with the surrounding region and the Fortress of Light to the east. It is the top exporter of horses of various breeds for the entire Kingdom. It is also an exporter of fine wines and spirits. Many vineyards and distilleries can be found on the scenic outskirts of the city, well-guarded by adventurers and mercenaries hoping to land a lucrative contract for a time. The city thrives on a rich amalgamation of agricultural prowess and artisanal craftsmanship. Merchants, organized into guilds, craft exquisite works of art, intricate jewelry, and intricately woven fabrics, all sought by discerning patrons. The royal exchange, adorned with ornate architecture, hums with the negotiations of merchants from far and wide, exchanging their goods throughout the city. Caravans and lake vessels travel their routes, laden with goods, to places like Drite and the Fortress of Light.


  • Calvary District
  • Cimmaron Ward
  • Starfire District
  • The Warden Borough
  • Bridling Stables
  • Lancer District
  • Everburn Market

Guilds and Factions

University of the Light - The university was founded by one of the former rulers of Valo. Under political pressures, the school could only study what none of the former had problems with, thus producing little more than harsh critiques of other nations and occasional mathematical findings. This changed when newly crowned Queen Amaya Valorim III announced that she would study at the university to learn from the greatest minds of the kingdom. In truth, her duties meant that she was only able to visit with the professors, but thanks to her influence, the university became one of the most respected learning institutions in all of Dayne. With the Queen’s public support, it soon became fashionable for even the eldest children of noble families to study at the University of the Light. The heightened prestige of the university attracted students not only from Valo, but all across Dayne, including Kerak, the Free Cities of the Three Ladies, and the Al’Shizar Empire.   Fearing that political pressure might hinder the university's capacity for innovation and research, Queen Amaya has made a concerted effort to ensure that the University is free of any such constraining interests. The Queen’s efforts to transform the university into a respected institution is regarded by some nobles as the most vehemently opposed project in Valo history, successful only because of her ability to win the support of even the staunchest rivals. In recent years, Queen Amaya has been strongly encouraging the university to overlook the lack of status and rank for individuals who show prodigious talent or potential which could help further the interests and prestige of the Kingdom of Valo, provided a noble sponsors them. In addition to humans and elves, the University of the Light is also home to several dwarven professors. The university offers classes on nature, magic, history, mathematics, and the arts that are respected throughout the Dayne.


Soon after the completion of Valorim, the settlement of Cahya was established in 678 AG. It was originally set as the northernmost stronghold for the new Kingdom, with its first true leader being Jacques Peltier, a first cousin to the King. After the Kings death, he divided the lands of the Valo between his three sons; Philippus, the youngest, was given Cahya and the lands surrounding it. Cahya is home to the Northern Armée Headquarters and is one of the largest training centers for its well-equipped army. Inside the Château de Cahya, now named Rosehaven Keep, members of the Valorim Army are put through vigorous training. Chevaliers are sent here to fine tune their calvary training. Without a doubt, Valorim’s military might is built around its Calvary. Many of Dayne’s best horse trainers can trace their lineage to Cahya and the training stables staged here. The warhorses of Valorim are stout, intuitive, and do well in the chaotic conditions of war.   The city can be entered through two different gates—the imposing Lightforge Gates made of steel covered with golden façade, and the more practical Banner Gates. Cahya is home to the University of the Light, a major center of learning that attracts young nobles from all over Pallidon with the best education coin can buy. It is a relatively modern institution whose professors are the most learned to have ever stepped foot within Dayne.

Points of interest

Grande Cahya Theater – The epicenter of theater for northern Valo, and thus the goings-on in one of the Kingdoms most prestigious establishments, is a close reflection of their political climate. Many social scandals have found themselves immortalized as plays. Though theatrical works reflect central themes of Valo culture, such as disdain towards Alteria or deep respect of dragons, a few striking contrasts can also be found. Masks are commonplace for all actors and have been used to hide the performer from exterior criticism for some time due to the personal nature of the performances.   University of the Light – The University of the Light is one of the oldest universities in Pallidon. It is a major center of learning that attracts young nobles from all over Valo as it provides some of the best education one can buy. In theory, commoners, including all lineages, are allowed to attend if sponsored by a noble mentor.   Château de Cahya/Rosehaven Keep – Is home of the Northern Armée Headquarters and is one of the largest calvary training centers for the Kingdom of Valo. Despite its age, the fortress still offers protection and has been reinforced and refurbished many times of the centuries.   The Broken Sword - A large commoner's inn, which serves magical potions in addition to beers and ales. The broken haft of a sword embedded in the center of the large bar oriented in the center of the large tavern.


Cahya is situated in the central region of Pallidon, within the Kingdom of Valo. The city is located at the southern portion of the Biron Mountains and on the southeastern shores of Lake Biron.
Founding Date
678 AG
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – All lineages represented.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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