Calas Mountains

The Calas Mountains are a imposing range of peaks that dominate the eastern portion of the continent of Pallidon. As the largest mountain range on the continent, the Calas Mountains are a formidable sight, with rugged peaks rising up to towering heights that reach towards the sky. The northern portion of the range descends from the Illumiere River, winding its way southwards through valleys and gorges that are dotted with forests and lakes. The southern end of the Calas Mountains is located near the coastal town of Bundo, where the peaks meet the ocean, creating a dramatic and breathtaking backdrop that is unmatched in its beauty.   One of the most unique features of the Calas Mountains is the Floating River, which runs along the southern portion of the range. This magical river appears to float above the ground, defying the laws of physics and adding an air of mystery and wonder to the already mystical landscape.   The Calas Mountains are also known for being home to many mythical predators and creatures, such as drakes, griffins, and giant spiders. Adventurers and treasure hunters often brave the dangers of the mountains in search of hidden treasures or to test their mettle against the legendary beasts that call the Calas Mountains their home.   Despite the many dangers that lurk in the mountains, the Calas Mountains are also home to many small villages and communities that have carved out a life for themselves amidst the peaks. A contested location, it is the ancestral home of the Dabu peoples and one they will defend with ferocity.


The mountains themselves are formed from a mix of sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rock, which creates a variety of unique geological features. The northern portion of the range is marked by steep cliffs and rocky escarpments that overlook rolling hills and fields. As one travels further south, the landscape becomes more rugged and alpine in nature, with towering peaks that rise up into the clouds and deep valleys that are shrouded in mist. Dark ice can be found in the highest elevations of the range, while alpine meadows and wildflowers cover the lower slopes.

Localized Phenomena

The Floating River that runs along the southern portion of the range adds another layer of complexity to the geography of the Calas Mountains. This unique feature creates a natural barrier that separates the mountains from the lowlands beyond, and has played a key role in shaping the culture and history of the region.

Fauna & Flora

The flora of the Calas Mountains is often sparse and hardy, with plants adapted to the harsh conditions of the high elevations. Common plants include hardy grasses, lichens, and low-growing shrubs that are able to survive in rocky, nutrient-poor soils. Mosses and ferns can also be found in the shaded areas of cliffs and boulder fields. In some areas, twisted and gnarled trees with trunks and twisted limbs grow, their branches creaking in the chill winds.   The fauna of the mountains is equally adapted to the harsh conditions of the environment. Predators such as wolves, mountain lions, and bears are common, preying on the mountain goats, elk, and other herbivores that make their homes in the high elevations. Eagles and other birds of prey can also be seen soaring over the peaks, their sharp eyes scanning for prey. In the deep caves and crevices of the mountains, dangerous creatures such as giant spiders, trolls, and goblins may dwell, making travel through the range perilous for the unwary.

Natural Resources

  • Precious Metals: Mountains are often rich in precious metals such as gold, silver, and platinum. These metals can be mined from veins that run through the rocks or found in placer deposits in streams and rivers.
  • Gemstones: The Calas Mountains can also be a source of gemstones such as diamonds, rubies, and emeralds. These gems can be found in the same way as precious metals, in veins within the rocks or as alluvial deposits in streams and rivers.
  • Rare Woods: Some species of trees may only grow in the high elevations of the mountains and may be highly prized for their unique properties. For example, a particular type of tree may be highly resistant to magic, making it valuable for crafting magical items.
  • Alchemical Substances: Mountains may be home to rare plants and minerals that can be used in alchemical processes to create potions, elixirs, and other magical substances. For example, a rare mushroom that grows only in the high elevations of the mountains may be a key ingredient in a powerful healing potion.
  • Stone and Minerals: Mountains can be a rich source of building materials such as stone, clay, and metals used for construction, weapons, and armor. Some rare minerals may have unique properties that make them highly prized, such as a mineral that can absorb magic.
Mountain Range
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