
Dwarves are sturdy individuals who usually live in mountainous regions, and are not necessarily short. Remem- ber that all players and monsters are the same size as the person playing them. Dwarves all have beards of which they are fiercely proud, although female Dwarves sometimes prefer a long “goatee.”
Dwarves are a very proud race of fierce warriors that absolutely refuse to take any guff from anyone. Since their life span is much longer than that of humans and other races (up to five hundred years or so), they often approach and take on tasks at a somewhat slower pace than others. They are meticulous about detail almost to the point of obsession, a fact that sometimes infuriates the other races.
Despite this, they are quick and decisive when it comes to any type of warfare, for to them battle is the very stuff of which glory is made—especially when it is in defense of their race, their friends, or their ideals. Dwarves greatly pride themselves in their craftsmanship, be it smithing or anything else. Their creations rank among the best in all of Fortannis and they are not amused by any unwarranted criticism done of their handiwork.
The generally peaceful Dwarves have no problem with other races—although they think Elves are pompous, Humans are impatient, Hoblings are troublemakers, and Oathsworn are incapable of understanding the finer things in life.
When it comes to trolls, Ogres and Orcs, Dwarves have a notoriously legendary intense hatred for all them and will seek them out and destroy them whenever they can. All of these monsters often savagely compete with Dwarves for basic resources, and attack Dwarven cave systems in order to take them over for themselves. Trolls are considered to be the worst of the lot and are often shown the most malice. No respectable Dwarf would ever trust a troll, and if at all possible, would never allow one to walk away alive.
In short, Dwarves make for noble steadfast allies and dreadful unrelenting enemies. Dwarves go out of their way to take care of their own. This kind of clan loyalty will even find itself expressed by certain individuals who join up with adventuring parties that prove themselves to be exceptionally trustworthy and honorable. To have a Dwarf as a friend is a hard task to accomplish, but to have one as a friend is to have a true steadfastly loyal friend for life. Dwarves marry for life and have no concept of divorce. Such courtships are long, drawn-out affairs that often take decades before being consummated, the couple having only eyes for one another during the entire process. A Dwarf’s heart is nothing to be trifled with, and when it is given, it is given freely without reserve for life.
When a Dwarf becomes of age, they participate in an elaborate ceremony whereupon the candidate recites their clan’s lineage and history in front of the entire community and then makes a presentation of an item of the finest quality that they themselves have forged/created. (These items are highly symbolic of the completion of their life’s apprenticeship (i.e. “childhood”) and such items are often used in the making of very powerful artifacts used in the clan’s defense due to the detail, care, and infusion of the very life essence, if you will, of the individual who created it.
Their history is very lengthy and mostly comprised of stories and legends of great Dwarven heroes. Some of these stories can take hours or even days to tell completely, and no self-respecting Dwarf would consider telling an abridged version.
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