Eleiha, The Copper Dragon

Eleiha, whose names include The Executor and The Last Magistrate, is the Copper scaled Wyrm who is said to reside in the mountains of Dayne. The largest concentration of their followers reside in the Great Dwarven Kingdoms of Carn Mirdain in the East and in the now fallen lands of Khybur in the west. Eleiha is the known to be the Order in Dayne, despising Chaos in all the forms it may take. Eleiha and Qarthanox have long fueded. It is was uncovered in old manuscripts that perhaps, if you believe the stories of the first age, Eleiha once fell the Mad White Wyrm, but was stopped at the behest of Auku to spare Qarthanox.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Copper Scaled Ancient Warm


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