
Society Farhold is a small, but active settlement based around two things; the Tavern and the ferry. It has roughly forty permanent residence, most living in small cabins cloistered near the large tavern building. Most would consider this a transient town; most travel through or stay for a short time. Adventurers are often seen wandering through the town exploring the dangerous woods to the northwest part of the town. Because of this, most permanent residents maintain a fairly positive view of adventurers and are somewhat leery of nobles, soldiers, and aristocrats.



Industry & Trade

Imports Wool, Timber, and Iron.   Exports Small boats, Beer/Spirits, and fish.   Trade and Commerce The impressive Farhold Tavern and Inn and Farhold Ferry Station are the lifeblood of this pub-town. Steady income into both establishments easily allow for the permanent buildings to be maintained, expanded upon, and for the ferry system to run hourly. Multiple ferry boats operate on clearly idenfied routes to Portstown, Lordsmouth, and docks located throughout the lake. One of the few exports Farhold does have is custom small boats. Riverwolf Boats makes fast, sturdy small boats for use on the many lakes in Alteria.


Farhold is dominated by its large, open tavern on the western portion of Lake Alveia. The Farhold Tavern and Inn is essentially an upside long ship that was never completed and converted into a cozy tavern where a traveler can rest or eat prior to travelling to the City of Portstown or the Town of Lordsmouth. From as far as most can remember, Farhold was a ferry point and meeting point for those wanting to enjoy the lake or have a private location to discuss sensitive matters. Adventurers favor the town for the inexpensive lodging, good food, and activity just outside the pub-towns borders.

Points of interest

Farhold Tavern and Inn – Essential and overturned longship with walls, the Farhold Tavern and Inn dominates the town in both size and business. The Tavern and Inn can easily house every permanent resident and still have room for several large parties. The large building have been reinforced over the years and includes both a permanent Earth and Celestial Circle of Power.   Farhold Ferry Station – The station and its docks are established for a large swath of Farhold’s beaches. With nearly 10 permanent dock points, the Ferry Station can be a very active place. It can also be a dangerous place if one is not careful, especially around the time of the AAA Festival across the harbor. The Station building is a two-story structure with an open view to the Lake, allowing for ferry captains or crew to make the best calls for when to suspend service or push though the conditions.


Farhold is situated in the northern region of Alteria, being the lone pub-town on Lake Alveia. The small settlement is located in the western portion of the Lake and is northeast of Merry City.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly Human and Elf
Additional Rulers/Owners


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