Ferdos Khorasan

Stone Elf, Sheikh - Ferdos was born into a family of landowners in the village of Paj, near the town of Prestalia. Little is known about their early life. The early poet had a wife, who was probably literate and came from the same circle of scholars. He had a son, who died at the age of 37, and was mourned (as much as a Stone Elf would) by the poet immensely. Pulling away from the aristocrats who had flourished under the Al’shizar and whose power, though diminished, had survived into the current era. They were attached to the study literary heritage by the Sultan due to his trust and close ties with their family. As their status was associated with it increased, the Sultan leaned on Ferdos for his wisdom and neutrality. At the request of Sultan Amir, Ferdos has taken on the title of Sheikh and effectively handles the daily matters of the western portion of the Empire. His careful handling of the commerce made being based out of Barrend a necessity.
Current Location
Light Gray
Short Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale White
160 lbs.
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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