
Society The organization's philosophy revolves around the principles of righteousness, justice, and upholding the law. Members of the order are dedicated to promoting order, protecting the innocent, and ensuring fairness and equality in their actions. They seek to emulate the virtues of Brahms, including wisdom, courage, and compassion, displaying these qualities in their interactions with others and their pursuit of noble goals. The Order of Brahms is committed to protecting the weak and vulnerable, actively engaging in acts of service to assist those in need. They emphasize kindness, benevolence, and the safeguarding of the natural world, promoting stewardship of the environment and advocating for sustainable practices, if only in a very direct sense. Residents are held to a high standard of behavior and visitors are clearly educated on the local laws.

Industry & Trade

Imports Parchment, leather, lumber, various minerals, spices     Exports Books/tomes, various hand tools, fruit, and crawfish   Trade and Commerce Fritop serves as a vital trading hub, facilitating the exchange of goods and fostering economic growth in the region. The village's agricultural abundance plays a significant role in its trade. The fertile fields yield plentiful crops of wheat, barley, vegetables, and various fruits, forming the backbone of Fritop's agricultural trade. Farmers and merchants bring their bountiful harvests to the local market square, where they showcase their fresh produce, enticing buyers from near and far. The aroma of freshly baked bread and the vibrant colors of ripe fruits fill the air, creating a bustling and lively atmosphere. Additionally, Fritop's proximity to Lake Kweor grants the village access to an array of aquatic resources. Fishermen venture out onto the shimmering waters, returning with an assortment of freshwater fish and other aquatic delicacies. The village's fish market, located near the lakeshore, showcases an impressive variety of fish, enticing traders and visitors who appreciate the freshness and quality of the catch. Artisans and craftsmen also contribute to Fritop's trade scene. Skilled woodworkers fashion exquisite furniture and intricate carvings from the abundant timber found in the nearby forests. Blacksmiths, adept at their craft, forge durable tools and implements sought after by farmers and tradespeople from the region. Traders from neighboring villages and towns recognize Fritop as a reliable and diverse source of goods. They visit the village to barter and engage in commerce, exchanging goods such as textiles, pottery, and handicrafts for the agricultural produce, timber, and metalwork that Fritop offers. These exchanges not only bolster the village's economy but also foster cultural exchange and strengthen ties between communities. Fritop's trade activities extend beyond its immediate surroundings. Caravans and merchants passing through the region make a point to stop in the village, attracted by its reputation as a trading center. These traveling traders bring exotic goods from distant lands, introducing new and intriguing items to the villagers and expanding their horizons. The village's trade networks and reputation for fair and honest dealings have earned Fritop a respected place among the regional trading communities. The income generated from trade contributes to the village's prosperity, allowing for improvements in infrastructure, education, and other aspects of communal well-being.

Guilds and Factions

The Order of Brahms - A renowned organization based in the settlement of Fritop. Inspired by the legendary red dragon Brahms the order upholds a strict code of conduct and strives to embody the dragon's noble qualities. The organization's philosophy revolves around the principles of righteousness, justice, and upholding the law. Members of the order are dedicated to promoting order, protecting the innocent, and ensuring fairness and equality in their actions. They seek to emulate the virtues of Brahms, including wisdom, courage, and compassion, displaying these qualities in their interactions with others and their pursuit of noble goals. The Order of Brahms is committed to protecting the weak and vulnerable, actively engaging in acts of service to assist those in need. They emphasize kindness, benevolence, and the safeguarding of the natural world, promoting stewardship of the environment and advocating for sustainable practices, if only in a very direct sense. In their role as protectors and guardians, members of the Order of Brahms defend Fritop and its surrounding areas, acting as a line of defense against external threats. They also serve as mediators and arbiters, striving to resolve conflicts through fair and just means, promoting peaceful resolutions and understanding. The order supports the growth and development of its members through mentorship and education, and actively engages in humanitarian efforts within Fritop and beyond.


Established on the eastern banks of Lake Kweor within the Kingdom of Kerak, the village of Fritop prevails a sense of peace. Surrounded by lush greenery, Fritop is a haven of natural beauty. The village is known for its strict adherence to the law and is a virtuous community, where neighbors treat each with fair action and honesty, fostering a tranquil atmosphere.   A central square serves as the heart of the village, adorned with a majestic fountain that provides a soothing ambiance, and it serves as a gathering place for villagers to socialize and celebrate. The villagers of Fritop take great pride in their connection with the land. The fertile fields surrounding the village yield bountiful harvests, with agriculture playing a vital role in the local economy. Fields of golden wheat sway in the gentle breeze, while orchards are full with fruits, contributing to the village's sustenance and trade.   Despite its modest size, Fritop boasts a few essential establishments. A practical inn offers weary travelers a comfortable respite, where they can rest, share stories, and enjoy the local cuisine. The village's blacksmith is skilled in crafting and repairing tools, ensuring the community's self-sufficiency. Lake Kweor, with its crystal-clear waters, is an integral part of the village. Its shores serve as a place of relaxation for the villagers. Fritop is not only a place of natural beauty but also a hub of cultural and communal celebrations. Festivals held throughout the year bring the villagers together in peace.

Points of interest

The Clockwork - A large prism of rotating gears and ticking escapements, crafted from brass and inscribed with endless spirals. No-one seems to know who created it, nor when, nor its purpose. Some within the Order of Brahms believe it to be a gift from the red dragon itself to be a tool of patience.


The architecture of Fritop reflects a blend of rustic charm and practicality. The buildings, constructed primarily from local materials, such as timber and stone, harmoniously blend with the natural surroundings.


Fritop is situated in the northwest region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located on the eastern shore of Lake Kweor. It is due east of Laketown.
Alternative Name(s)
The Crimson Place
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – All lineages represented.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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