Great Watchtower of Rhavrym

The Great Watchtower of Rhavrym, also known as the Beacon of the Sea, sits perched on a jagged rocky cliff face overlooking the vast expanse of the Calle Ocean. It is a towering structure made entirely of ancient stones that have stood the test of time. Though none can remember when it was first built, it still stands tall and functional to this day, serving as a guiding light for sailors at sea and a strategic watchtower for those who guard the kingdom.   The Beacon of the Sea is accessible only by a narrow, winding staircase that twists its way up the cliff face and leads to the entrance of the tower. The entrance itself is a grand archway of aged stone that leads into the tower's spacious main hall. The hall is circular in shape and extends to the full height of the tower. Its walls are adorned with the faded symbols of a long-forgotten kingdom.   The centerpiece of the tower is a tall stone pillar that reaches up to the ceiling, from which hangs a massive lantern. The lantern is lit every night, casting a warm and welcoming glow that can be seen for miles around. Sailors navigating the treacherous waters off the coast of the tower often use the beacon's light as a guide, allowing them to safely navigate through the rocky waters.   The watchtower is manned by a small group of watchmen who keep a vigilant eye on the sea, watching for any signs of trouble. The tower's strategic location makes it an ideal spot for detecting any invading ships that may approach the kingdom's shores. The watchmen communicate with other smaller towers along the coast using a system of signal fires, relaying important information about potential threats or emergencies.   Despite its age, the Great Watchtower is still a functional and important structure in the kingdom. Its light serves as a beacon of hope and safety for sailors lost at sea, and its watchful eye ensures that the kingdom remains safe from outside threats. The tower's enduring strength and timeless beauty are a testament to the skill and craftsmanship of the kingdom's long-forgotten builders, and it remains a treasured symbol of the kingdom's rich history and enduring strength.
Alternative Names
Beacon of the Sea
Owning Organization


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