
Society The ranch community is spread out over a wide area, with the average neighbor being a few miles away. The ranchers are very independent people and live a rugged lifestyle. Residents of the area are described as sarcastic and direct in their conversation. The residents are generally considered to be a patient group due to their profession.



Industry & Trade

Imports Grains, metal tools, and various vegetables.   Exports Horses, livestock, wool, various fruits, and saddles.   Trade and Commerce Horses are at the center of commerce in Grimwall. The traders here are confident with their surroundings, rarely allow changes in the market to sway them from following the rules of their strategy or system. Horses remain a highly sought after commodity in the shard and Grimwall are some of the best available. While the efficient training of a horse can be a time-consuming process, Grimwall trainers and merchants have found a system that is faster than most others on the continent. This has caused many military units and affluent people to flock to the area in hopes of acquiring the best horse for the job.

Guilds and Factions

Constables “Foxes” – A small group previously known as "game protectors". The first game protectors recorded comprised a group of eight people authorized to arrest anyone who killed wildlife on protected land. Their job was to protect game, deter horse theft, and catch poachers. With Lenatross’ arrival and training, this law enforcement group has grown to 20 members who are of various lineages and skillsets. All are considered formidable trackers and fighters. Considered master survivalists, each Constable is known to stay in the remote areas of Grimwall for weeks at a time.


Grimwall is the largest wild horse ranch in Alteria, composed of a group of four tracts of land in the northeastern portion of the Free Cities. The horse ranch community was established by Marcus Grimwall, a sailing captain born in Williston. After a successful military career, he bought his own merchant ship and went into partnership with Captain Mifflin Kenedy, who had been his commander. Grimwall purchased a part of the land grant known as the Hightower Purchase. The Grimwall-Kenedy partnership dissolved roughly 20 years later. Grimwall and his heirs eventually accumulated most of the land, building an empire (supporting chiefly cattle, sheep, and horses) that spread of a large, open area. After Grimwall’s permanent death, the Grimwall Ranch continued to deal in cattle and horses, as well as in sorghum and wheat. Upon its establishment, the ranch began to develop the breed of beef cattle known as prizewalski , which is part Brahman and part Shorthorn. By the mid-century, the ranch owned many acres of land. Horses from Grimwall are among the best in terms of racing, warfighting, and general work.

Points of interest

Grimwall Ranch – This massive ranch is the largest ranch in Alteria. At some roughly 825,000 acres, it is mainly a cattle ranch, but also produces many award winning or prestigious horses.   The Hunter's Chalice - An elegant commoner's inn, which serves only wine.


Grimwall is situated in the northeastern region of Alteria, being the prime horse ranch for the eastern portion of the continent. The town is located immediately southwest of Durik’Amar and north of Lake Aulli.
Inhabitant Demonym
Majority Human, Hobling, and Dwarves.


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