
Society The town is draw for artists, performers, designers, and other entertainers from throughout Alteria. The Helmshire Arts District is a demarcated urban area and was developed with an intent to create a 'critical mass' of places of cultural consumption - such as art galleries, theatres, art cinemas, music venues, and public squares for performances. The now famous Arts District was encouraged by the public, policy-making residents to have uniqueness in mind. Now every new permanent building in the area is encouraged to be entirely different from its neighbor. The town is vibrant and musicians wander the streets plying their trade. People here are friendly and love to socialize. Service-industry jobs like cafes, printers, fashion outlets, restaurants, and a variety of 'discreet services' are openly advertised with colorful motifs.



Industry & Trade

Imports Precious metals, paper/parchment, wool   Exports Glass, dyes, livestock, rugs, and fine clothing   Trade and Commerce The majority of income for the town comes from the mass production of fine clothing, art, and glass. The latter is extremely hard to produce in mass, but the sand of Lake Agnus makes this process easier. The glassmakers are some of the best in the shard and glassworks are highly sought after. Sheets of glass are often churned out and transported in unique carts and boats to major settlements. The farmlands outside the town are some of the largest in the north and livestock is plentiful. Farmers outside of Helmshire benefit from the close proximity of a capital city and generous benefactors in the town.


Helmshire Art District - Art galleries, theatres, art cinemas, music venues, and public squares for performances.


Considered the clothing capital of the north, Helmshire has had a long history of supplying attire across the Free Cities. The town is almost directly located in the center of the Three Ladies and easily accessible by land or water routes. The town has rarely ever been threatened and few permanent defenses are in place here. A town guard of sorts keeps problems to a minimum and if anything major were to happen, Merry City is not far off. Artists, clothing designers, artisans, and other craftsmen keep shoppes in the town. Helmshire’s buildings vary in color and design. Art is encouraged on walls and vibrant displays line the streets. As is common with fine clothing, several fine dining establishments also cater to the many visitors in the city.

Points of interest

Orfarson's Carvings - The workshop of a male dwarf woodcarver named Havi Orfarson, known for his weirdly life-like wooden dolls.   Ifund's Carvings - A modest woodcarver's workshop, carved out of the trunk of a large oak tree.   The Emerald Flask - An elegant adventurer's inn, built atop an outcrop of hewn and rune-carved stone.


Helmshire is situated in the northern region of Alteria, being the lone town on Lake Agnus. The town is located in the eastern portion of the Lake and is immediately east of Merry City.
Inhabitant Demonym
Majority Human, Selunari, and hobling.


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