High Orc

High Orcs have green skin and protruding lower fangs or teeth. They are tougher than average and are almost always fighters. They are related to the monstrous orcs but are not in any way compatible. There is no interbreeding between the monster orcs and any PC race. There are no “half orcs.”
High Orcs enjoy being bossy, loud, outspoken, and picking fights. It is their nature to express their great strength and show all of those around them just how powerful they are. They tend to be rather blunt, and rarely is a member of this race shy or soft-spoken. Tactfulness is not a quality known among High Orcs. Although they may not mean to be disrespectful, their society and culture often make etiquette a foreign concept.
All High Orcs love battle. A High Orc will prefer battle to surrender and an honest fight to an underhanded trick. A High Orc is not much of a forward-thinker or a schemer. Once they develop a not-too-involved plan, they usually stick to it. Also, High Orcs use physical means to accomplish their goal whenever possible. In High Orcish culture “Might Makes Right” is not a philosophy; it is a fact. Many High Orcs are very superstitious. If there is a soothsayer or an astrologer around who believes themselves to have the power to read the future, the High Orc will listen carefully and give respect to the individual. The future holds everything, and they live by these superstitions.
Curiosity is also a large part of the High Orc’s nature. A High Orc may interrupt a conversation, no matter how important, just for the sake of understanding what a word means. The High Orc society is clan-based, where families and blood relations are regarded as most important. Individual High Orcs may leave the family to adventure with other races in order to establish glory and a name for themselves.
When one High Orc meets another, generally they greet each other warmly. High Orcs realize that they are a minority and feel that they must make good with all their kind. It is not unusual, after only ten minutes, for two High Orcs that have just met to behave as if they are old friends.
Depending on personality, a clanned High Orc would either show an unclanned High Orc pity (they were raised without the advantages and knowledge of clan life) or with indifference (they have no clan and, therefore, are nothing). Unclanned High Orcs, on the other hand, would either regard their brethren with suspicion (those monsters from the hills) or curiosity (they are my people). Most likely they would seek out friendship with their kindred.


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