
Society The townspeople, forged through the crucible of adversity, have developed a deep bond that transcends social barriers. The constant threats from outside the town forged a sense of unity among the townsfolk, as they banded together to protect their home and resist the encroachment of an deadly enemy. Everyone, from fishermen to craftsmen, merchants to farmers, works hand in hand to ensure the prosperity and safety of their beloved town. Mutual respect and support are cherished values, as neighbors readily lend a helping hand and rally together in times of need. The town's leadership, comprised of wise and respected elders, ensures fairness and justice in their governance, fostering an inclusive environment where each individual's voice is heard and valued. Jalkan is a place where the strength of unity and the spirit of resilience resonate in every aspect of its society, forging bonds that bind the townspeople together.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

The bustling Copper Market near the harbor serves as the heart of economic activity, where merchants converge to exchange their wares. Jalkan's near-coast location grants it access to a wealth of resources, both from the fertile lands surrounding the town and the waters of the Arin Sea. Local fishermen bring in their fresh catches each day, supplying the restaurants of the area with the bountiful catches. The kelp near the Jalkan Island have medicinal qualities that are high sought after. Skilled artisans and craftsmen showcase their talents, crafting intricate pearl jewelry, bone tools, and various weapons of war, showcasing the town's prowess. The town supplies the Citadel with many melee weapons, armor of various types, and ranged weaponry. Jalkan's reputation as a trading hub extends beyond its borders, drawing merchants seeking unique goods and fostering a thriving network of commerce that fuels the town's growth and prosperity.


  • Copper Market
  • Dock Ward
  • Hydra’s Farthing
  • Armorer’s Docks
  • Valor Borough


Jalkan owes its establishment several centuries ago to its advantageous location near the expansive freshwater lake known as Lake Eion. The lake not only provided the town with a vital source of sustenance but also served as a natural barrier against potential threats from the sea. However, Jalkan's history was marred by turmoil and conflict, primarily due to the persistent aggression of the neighboring slaver kingdom, Battenmore. Since the year 485 AA, Battenmore had repeatedly targeted Jalkan, seeking to exploit its resources and subject its people to their oppressive rule. Jalkan's resilience was tested time and again, particularly during the War of Freedom, a large-scale conflict involving multiple nations and armies. As the war erupted, the Battenmore Army launched a massive assault on Jalkan, landing troops to the south of the town. The ensuing Battle of Jalkan became one of the bloodiest encounters of the war, with fierce engagements fought near the town's outskirts. Amidst the chaos and despair, a glimmer of hope emerged in the form of the White Company. This renowned military force arrived at a critical juncture, turning the tide of battle and driving the enemy forces out of the town. Their intervention saved Jalkan from imminent destruction, and their subsequent efforts eventually liberated the entire island from Battenmore's grasp. The people of Jalkan take great pride in their unwavering determination and courage in the face of near annihilation. The town opened their arms to refugees from across the Kingdom of Kerak, particularly the freed slaves of Battenmore. These newcomers added to the town's cultural diversity.   Since the War of Freedom, the town has transformed into a thriving community, embracing progress while remembering its historical heritage. The townspeople continue to be hardy and tenacious, displaying a strong allegiance to the military that safeguarded their home and freedom. Sturdy stone buildings line the streets, adorned with colorful banners and symbols representing Jalkan's past. The locals eagerly share tales of Jalkan's history, recounting the deeds of the White Company and the steadfastness of their ancestors. Festivals and celebrations are a common sight, as the people of Jalkan embrace life with passion, celebrating their freedom and the enduring spirit that defines their town.

Points of interest

The Citadel - A buttressed building of polished stone walls with few doors or windows, located to the northwest portion of the town . It is a fortress of the king's army, having withstood numerous battles and conflicts. A large garrison is here, as well as an underground prison for former Battenmore leaders. The size of the garrison is a closely guarded secret and does not count toward the towns population.   The Alchemists Guild House - An three-storied, half-timbered building near the center of the town. Alchemists from around Dayne can be found in its halls, discussing trade secrets and developing unique concoctions for testing.


The Town of Jalkan is situated in the southwestern region of Alteria as part of an archipelago, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located at the bottom of Crownsmen Bay on the northern portion of the main island that shares its namesake. The main island has a land area of 2,600 sq mi and a coastline estimated at 600 mi. The island is predominantly mountainous and hilly, with the major exception being the depressed plains of Lissale (a peninsula forming the southern part of East Jalkan). The Jalkan Islands consists of continental crust fragments resulting from the break-up of Alteria.


The climate of the islands is cold, windy, and humid maritime. Variability of daily weather is typical throughout the archipelago. Rainfall is common over half of the year, averaging 24 inches in Jalkan, and sporadic light snowfall occurs nearly all year. The temperature has historically stayed between 78 °F and 12 °F, with mean monthly temperatures varying from 40 °F early in the year to 75 °F in July. Strong westerly winds and cloudy skies are common. Although numerous storms are recorded each month, conditions are traditionally calm.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – All lineages evenly represented.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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