Kingdom of Dazan

The Kingdom of Dazan was a prosperous realm that flourished under the guidance of the Biata. Nestled amidst breathtaking natural landscapes in eastern Alteria, the kingdom boasted a rich history, culture, and a deep-rooted connection with magic that permeated every aspect of life. Pagodas with gracefully curved roofs adorned the cities, harmonizing with the natural beauty of cherry blossom trees and serene meditation gardens. The Biata here were skilled in the magical arts of construction. Employing their psychic powers todesign, shape, and mold materials with remarkable precision. As a result, the structures were not only aesthetically pleasing but also imbued with magical properties, providing protection and stability. Magic existed in every facet of daily life in Dazan. From birth to death, the Biata relied on their innate magical abilities for everything, making them formidable practitioners of the Healing arts. They mastered the arts of healing, channeling magic to cure ailments and diseases, blending medicinal herbs with mystical energies to create potent remedies. With their psychic powers, the Biata could sense and manipulate the flow of energy, allowing them to bring balance to their surroundings.   In times of conflict, the Kingdom of Dazan employed a unique form of magical warfare. Biata warriors, trained in both martial arts and Earth Magic combat, were formidable adversaries on the battlefield. They channeled their magic abilities to enhance their physical prowess, wielding enchanted weapons and harnessing Earth magic. Swift and agile, they maneuvered gracefully across the battlefield, their martial superiority and mystical abilities providing a significant advantage.   Education and research were highly valued in Dazan. The kingdom housed prestigious academies where Biata scholars delved deep into the mysteries of magic, philosophy, and the arts. These centers of learning were known for their vast libraries, filled with ancient tomes and scrolls, chronicling the kingdom's history and the secrets of magic. The Biata pursued knowledge with unwavering dedication, constantly pushing the boundaries of their understanding of magic and unlocking new realms of possibility.   However, the Fracturing of Karmadazan changed everything. This cataclysmic event shattered the kingdom, tearing through the very center of their nation and extending out from its core. The once-thriving cities of Dazan were devastated, leaving behind ruins and a scarred landscape. Now, the Kingdom of Dazan stands as a poignant reminder of a bygone era, a realm forever lost to the ravages of the Fracturing. The remaining Dazan survivors have come to terms with the shattered remnants of their once-great civilization, seeking solace and hope amidst their neighbors in the Kingdoms of Kerak and Carn Mirdain, as they strive to understand what could have been done to have stopped it.


Centerally located in the eastern portion of Alteria.
Dissolution Date
619 AA
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Economic System
Palace economy
Notable Members
Related Species


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