
Society The townsfolk, known for their cooperative spirit, have fostered an inclusive environment that welcomes adventurers from all walks of life. Respect for diversity is deeply ingrained, and individuals of different races, backgrounds, and abilities find acceptance and support within the town's close-knit fabric. Mutual aid and cooperation are common virtues, as neighbors willingly lend a helping hand and share resources to ensure the well-being of all. The inhabitants of Klugdon place great value on storytelling, knowledge, and the arts, celebrating the bards and historians who weave the tapestry of the town's collective history and legends.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

The strategic location of the town on the northern beaches of Lake Kweor, along the route between Kerak and the Free Cities of the Three Ladies, has transformed it into an important trading hub. Various merchants and traders have set up shops, offering a wide array of goods and services tailored to the needs of adventurers. Weapon and armor smiths showcase their finest craftsmanship, enchanters offer mystical artifacts, and alchemists provide potions and elixirs to aid the daring souls embarking on jobs and explorations. The local market square buzzes with activity as merchants from distant lands barter wares, while a bakery and small grille cater to the needs of travelers, offering comfortable lodging and hearty meals. The town's prosperity is not only fueled by the adventurers themselves but also by the tales and artifacts they bring back from their journeys, attracting curious collectors and scholars seeking rare treasures.

Guilds and Factions

Ironwood Adventurers Academy - Is a renowned institution that provides training and education for aspiring adventurers. It is a well-respected organization that is known throughout the kingdom for producing some of the most skilled and capable adventurers around. The academy operates out of a central headquarters in the Kingdom of Kerak, but it also has several outposts throughout the kingdom, including one in the remote pub town of Klugdon. The academy is staffed by experienced adventurers who serve as instructors and mentors for the students. These instructors are skilled in a wide variety of areas, including combat, survival, magic, and diplomacy, and they provide hands-on training and instruction to help the students develop their skills. The curriculum at the academy covers a wide range of subjects, from basic survival skills to advanced combat techniques. Students are taught how to navigate dangerous environments, how to identify and deal with magical threats, and how to work effectively in teams. Graduates of the Ironwood Adventurers Academy are highly sought after by employers throughout the kingdom, including noble houses, guilds, and private citizens. Many go on to have long and illustrious careers as adventurers, while others use their skills to pursue other careers, such as serving as scouts, bodyguards, or diplomats.


Klugdon, a small pub town nestled on the northern beaches of Lake Kweor, is an amazing location that serves as a prominent meeting spot for adventurers in the continent of Alteria. The town revolves around the Don’t Be Knotty Tavern and Inn, which acts as the epicenter of the community. It is owned and managed by Zelirise, a crafty sylvanborn who is known for her wit and resourcefulness. The tavern in Klugdon is a vibrant and energetic place, constantly filled with the sounds of music, dance, and laughter. Adventurers from far and wide gather here, sharing tales of their exploits and engaging in lively discussions about the mysteries and wonders of Alteria. Klugdon's prime location on the shores of Lake Kweor makes it a convenient stopover for citizens of Kerak on their way to the Free Cities of the Three Ladies. This strategic position had also put the town at risk during the War of Freedom when Battenmore's army threatened the region. While the Battle of Lake Kweor unfolded several miles to the west, Klugdon played a crucial role in the conflict. The townsfolk, with their extensive knowledge of the lake and its surroundings, provided vital information that proved instrumental in the victory of the Alliance of the Free Cities.   Following the war, Klugdon has regained its status as a vibrant hub for adventurers. The tavern remains the center of activity, offering respite and camaraderie to those seeking adventure and excitement. Visitors can find various services tailored to the needs of adventurers, including weapon and armor shops, provisions for long journeys, and even skilled guides familiar with the treacherous landscapes of Alteria. The shimmering waters of Lake Kweor stretch out towards the horizon, dotted with small islands that serve as secluded retreats for those seeking solitude or respite. The town itself is a charming collection of modest cottages and wooden structures, adorned with vibrant flowers and ivy climbing up the walls.

Points of interest

Don’t Be Knotty Tavern and Inn - This tavern is situated right on the beach. With several chains bracketed to the structure and anchors around the large building, it floats during the flood season and remains relatively in place until the summer months when it rests again on the beach. This is favored location for many adventurers and citizens of both the Free Cities and Kerak.


Klugdon is situated in the northwest region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located directly on the rocky shore of Lake Kweor and is next to the Northern Periphery River tributary. It is also set on the absolute southern end of the Soranal Mountains.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly humans, Sylvanborn, and dwarves
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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