
Society The people of Lindry are a boisterous lot! They love to fight, drink, and enjoy life. During drinking games and storytelling , the residents will often say they are “High on life” and love where they are. Sea shanties are often sung in the streets and the bars never close in town. People hoping to make Lindry home are welcomed heartily with open arms and are often given copious amounts of advice on how to make good coin. Bragging is just a way of life and most don’t take offense to those who overly boast, unless it is clear the boaster has no way of backing up their claim to fame. A person who brings down the party or is overly serious is not going to have the most pleasant time in Lindry…



Industry & Trade

Imports Livestock, lumber, and wheat   Exports Inks, ivory, salt, and seafood   Trade and Commerce Lindry merchants are very good negotiators and are tenacious at closing a deal. Using a very unique process, inks are retrieved from several marine sources and sold for a good amount of coin. Ivory is still a highly sought after commodity in Alteria and the residents of Lindry have mastered gathering this in bulk. Word is that a whale graveyard is located near the town and keeps the town readily stocked with the resource. Lindry sea salt is very popular in fine dining establishments throughout the shard and brings in a good amount of income to the town. The Salty Dogs Bar and Grille is both the producer of the sea sale and of the best seafood restaurants on the continent, if not the shard!


Lindry is a very much sailors town. Believed to have been established from a pirates encampment, the town has slowly grown from the tents of old. Lindry is a popular stop for ships travelling from down from the Kingdom of Utara and other northern territories. The town is built around a coastal lagoon and has two large seawalls extending out to the deeper water. Other than small boats, flat-bottom skiffs, and dingys, deep-draft vessels have to remain anchored outside the seawall. The town is currently under a massive expansion and several buildings are currently under construction on the eastern portion of the settlement. Lindry is taking advantage of its location and the massive income it has received from its various lucrative exports. Unlike many coastal towns in the Three Ladies, Lindry is attempting to take advantage of a growing need for tourism in the area.

Points of interest

Salty Dogs Bar and Grille – A large, waterside restaurant that also has a sea salt production building on the back portion of the facility. The entrance to the dining venue is made up of a large shark’s open jaw. The establishment is furnished and has the best cutlery and china. While expensive, the meals are exquisite and there is rarely a slow night here. The lounge above the dining hall is often occupied by those wanting some privacy to close deals or discuss other sensitive matters.   The Stone Dragon - A colossal stone dragon stands over the northern-portion of the main street. The massive statue has supposedly been in the are since the establishment of Lindry. It is said that the dragon will be made flesh again if any descendant of the wizard who imprisoned it passes by without leaving a coin. Most believe it to be rumor. Most…


Lindry is situated in the northewestern region of Alteria with its shores facing toward the Arin Sea. The city is located due south of Mount Versay and west of the Straights of Elidore.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Human, Wylderkin, and High Orc


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