
Society Lordsmouth is very clearly a party town. The town caters to every form of entertainment possible. Music is heard throughout the day and night, several small pubs are very active, and the people enjoy life. The towns alias, Loudsmouth, is much more common than its actual name because of this… Visitors are greeted warmly and emphatically. Most permanent residence are cooks, bakers, musicians, entertainers, and crafters. Many small shops are present at fair prices and people love to haggle. A makeshift town militia does exist, but rarely are there major problems that a free drink or meal couldn’t handle. Superstitions abound in Lordsmouth and it is not uncommon to see people go through various motions or behaviors before continuing into a place or starting on a project.   Etymology The remote elven fishing village known as Melian was named by the original elven settlers in the area. The name roughly translates to Precious Gift in the ancient elven tongue of that age. The elder storytellers in the area explain that an elven mother lost her two children in the lake near the village. The weeping mother entered the lakes in search of her lost children, never to return. Instead, her two children emerged out of the lake and found their way back to their father at their estate in the Northern Wood. The location she entered the water is marked by an 8ft statue of her visage. The statue and location endure as points of comfort to those who grieve lost family and friends.



Industry & Trade

Imports Linens, wool, various stone, and reagents.     Exports Freshwater Fish, timber, paper/parchment, beer/spirits.   Trade and Commerce Much of the trade and commerce for the town comes from Portstown to the north and Farhold across the lake. The trade items is varied to service the multitude of entertainers, crafters and creators who reside their. One of the few exports that the town is known for is their alcohol. Beers, wine, spirits, meads, and the like are created and exported from multiple distilleries and vineyards located to the east of the town. Fizzy drinks, juices, and sarsaparilla are also common exports that bring in a fair amount to the town.

Guilds and Factions

Jesters Guild – A chapter of the Jesters Guild of Dayne resides in Lordsmouth. The Jesters trademark head covering are a common sight in town, as is their shenanigans. New visitors to town are warned to be aware of the coin and their goods, as the jesters do enjoy a good joke. Or 5…


The Town of Lordsmouth is often described as an adventurers party town. Originally a small elven fishing retreat, the town has become centered around entertainment now. The town is the site of several large parties throughout the year, including the Annual Adventurers Affair, or AAA. The 3-4 day festival invites adventurers to the lake town for several contests, meetings of the minds, and storytelling.

Points of interest

The Sleeping Fool - A heroic elven tavern, which seems to be bigger on the inside than on the outside.   Arin's Masonry - The workshop of a female dwarf stonemason named Arin, who seems to know every dungeon within twenty leagues of town.   The Grieving Mother statue – The 8ft statue sits on the shores of the lake in a small clearing. The foundation of the statue clearly shores where the tide comes to and is considered a tranquil place for those in mourning.


Located in the northern region of the Three Ladies, on Lake Alveia.
Alternative Name(s)
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Human, Elf, and Dryad
Location under


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