
SOCIETY The “sanctuary” at Moriak is a place of mystery. It is an intimidating building, and most people feel uncomfortable while nearby. The residents of the place are loyalists to Auku, the Black Dragon of the Sands. They tend to show they are out for themselves and Auku. Death is viewed differently by the Marid, which has no qualms with addressing wrongs through killing, whether for profit or convenience. They have no love of order and hold no illusion that following laws, traditions, or codes would make them any better or more just.   Some Marid hold up their actions as more of an ideal, committing whatever actions are required by Auku. The Marid considers themselves to be the best because they can advance themselves without regard for others. They have made their reputation as dangerous warriors who will do whatever it takes to complete their task, often as a mercenary force. Due to this history, they are considered one of the most dangerous organizations in the Frozen Sands. If you can curry a favor with them, it is done knowing they will complete it without honor and without variation.


Sultanate / Monarchy (Al'shizar Empire)

Industry & Trade

IMPORTS Livestock, linen, grains, freshwater, and lumber   EXPORTS Rare stones/gems, rare metals, alchemy   TRADE AND COMMERCE The Al’shizar Empire is efficiently run and has always welcomed trade from outside its borders. Its merchants can be found throughout the lands of Dayne and many of its exports are highly sought after. Numerous measures have been undertaken by the empire to increase agricultural production. Canals were dug to facilitate the irrigation of agricultural lands throughout the island. Cultivation of sugarcane was officially encouraged to meet the great demand of it by both the local inhabitants and foreign nations. Thanks to this acceptance of foreign trade, several new plants were introduced to the Frozen Sands, including sesame, carob, millet, rice, lemons, melons, apricots, and shallots.   The main factor which boosted industry and trade under the Al’shizar was the new interests Pallidon nations developed when they came into contact with the desert people. Commodities included incense, scents, fragrant oils, and aromatic plants from all over, as well as ginger, alum, and aloes. Likewise, Valo developed new tastes in the matter of fashions, clothing, and home furnishing. Rugs, carpets, and tapestries manufactured in the Frozen Sands were introduced to the East through Pallidonian-Al’shizar interaction. Adventurers visiting Barrend have returned with old reliquaries for the keeping of relics. The famous tavern and inn are located on the Trade Road and is considered one of the more elegant stops on the trip.   The demand for agricultural products and industrial commodities stimulated maritime activity and international trade to an unprecedented extent. The Al’shizar have played a leading role in this as they controlled sea-trade routes which passed through the ports of Earia and Tradetown via Kings Bay and the Oli Ocean. The trade policy of the Al’shizar Sultanate placed them in a position of great advantage; although they cooperated with the Dabu Greenlans and Valo in the Kings Bay, they limited them from having access to the Arin Sea. Thus, they kept the trade of the area exclusively in their hands.

Guilds and Factions

Marid – Are near fanatical servants of the black dragon Auku. They group holds that neither other groups nor individuals have great meaning. This ethos holds that seeking to promote weal for all actually brings woe to the truly deserving. Natural forces which are meant to cull out the weak and stupid are artificially suppressed by so-called good, and the fittest are wrongfully held back, so whatever means are expedient can be used by the powerful to gain and maintain their dominance, without concern for anything. This has truly made the organization one that is made up of very calculating and dangerous individuals.


The mysterious sanctuary at Moriak is believed to be hundreds of years old. Not many visit the small settlement except for the occasional researcher or adventurer wanting to learn more of Auku, the legendary Black Dragon of the Sands. This particular dragon is said to have concerned with themselves and their own advancement. They have no particular objection to working with others or, for that matter, going at it on their own. Their only interest are with getting ahead…   A single paved road lead to the location. A few small structures exist outside the massive sanctuary, occupied with quartermasters of the Marid. They have always dealt with caravans evenly, though many describe the interactions as ones filled with anxiety and tension. Very little is known of what occurs within the sanctuary and most are not willing to venture inside willingly to find out…

Points of interest

The ruins of a six-sided keep to the northwest section of the village. Burn and score marks are clearly seen over the ruins, with what looks like skeletal remains strewn about the interior.


Moriak is located in the southern portion of the Frozen Sands. The desert area around the village is generally flat with fine sand hills and a valley.


Moriak, as with most of the Frozen Sands, has a unique climate system. Summers are prolonged, dry and exceedingly hot with less humidity. Winters are brutally cold and somewhat rainy; snowfall is frequent. Autumn is very brief and mild, but has the most drastic temperature change, unlike spring where the transition to summer is more gradual and steady. Annual rainfall is around 130 mm (5 in), occurring from October to May.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Human, Biata, and Stone Elf
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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