

  The capital of the fallen Kingdom of Battenmore was named for the first King, Charles Batten. House Batten claims to be one of the first human lineages that arrived in Dayne.

Industry & Trade

The Mountbatten economy was rooted in slavery, down to its very core. One of the most important and profitable lines of work in their economy is slave trading, both in terms of breeding slaves from pre-existing stock, or capturing new blood from foreign shore. Slavery is directly connected to, or was directly responsible for, the large majority of the economic activity in The Old Kingdom of Battenmore, as much as 90% or even more at certain times. All crafting was operated by slaves and often led by skilled slave artisans. Fields were cultivated by slaves, often overseen by privileged overseer slaves. Slaves served as gladiators, weaponsmiths, alchemists, singers, dancers, and in some particularly decadent households were even trained to be masters at board games to play with their masters. Slaves were traded in amazingly large sums, with as many as dozens traded a day in the Mountbatten alone. On days where major traders return from overseas slave-taking, especially when they have skilled or attractive slaves, or there are new estates being established, hundreds of slaves can be traded in a day.   Given the abundance of expendable labor, mining into the deadly Soranal Mountain caves was frequent and profitable. Gemstones were found in denser concentrations in The Soranal Mountains than most other places, but they also find significant quantities of silver, iron, tin, and cold iron. They also used to access a strange black material, named Dragonbone. Dragonbone is a brittle vantablack metal that appears in dense native clusters rather than in ore form. It is believed to be the result of numbers of Dragon bones, petrified deep underground. It can be alloyed with iron to make Bone steel, a material that is said to incite fear in those wounded by it, and as long as there was fear to increase,it was primarily used to keep slaves in-line.   One of the very few parts of the economy that were not in the realm of slave labor is that of magic items, which constituted a major part of the The fallen Kingdom of Battenmore's economy. Given the sheer proportion of wealthy Lords of Battenmore, the market for these magic items used to be quite large. Many magic items were purchased for the sake of keeping slaves in-line or improving combat effectiveness. Slaves were not allowed to have any hand in magic item creation besides gathering raw materials.




Alternative Name(s)
City of Chains
Location under


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