Order of the Rose


Lord Baron Elizee Versailles

Sir Jerris Doha

Dame Priis Esteri

Sir Quaron Darrel

Sir Clyde Drexl

Dame Merridie Delmare

Sir Clockler Misorin

Dame Lillith Cauvalay


The Order of the Rose was founded nine years ago in the year 615, by its current leader, Lord Baron Elizee Versailles. The Order was established in response to a growing need for justice, protection, and goodwill throughout the Lands of Dayne. Baron Versailles, a nobleman renowned for his wisdom, courage, and unyielding sense of duty, envisioned a group of knights who would embody the highest ideals of chivalry and righteousness. The founding of the Order coincided with a period of great turmoil in Dayne. Slavers from the Fallen Kingdom of Battenmore roamed the countrysides, Terrible tragedies befell Dazan, Contructs emerged from the shadows of the Fallen Lands, and corruption infiltrated the courts of many noble houses. In such times of uncertainty, Lord Elizee saw the necessity for a disciplined, moral force that could restore peace and order. Drawing inspiration from ancient legends and the chivalric codes of old, Lord Elizee gathered like-minded individuals, each possessing exceptional skills and a strong moral compass. These founding members took vows of bravery, honor, and service, pledging to uphold the values of the Order and protect the innocent. The Order of the Rose quickly gained a reputation for its members' valor and integrity. They became known as protectors of the weak, champions of justice, and adversaries of evil in all its forms. Each knight bore the emblem of a blue rose, symbolizing both their strength and their dedication to beauty, purity, and compassion.

The Oaths

  “Be without fear in the face of your enemies.
  Be brave and upright that all may love thee.
  Speak the truth always, even if it leads to your death.
  Safeguard the helpless and do no wrong – this is your oath.”
  “I shall always obey my Liege”
  “I shall always ensure failures of my Order are punished.”
  “I shall always use my Valor to help those who request it, unless it violates any of my duties to my Liege or other Oaths that I’ve sworn”
  “I shall never allow my hand to be used for Evil.”
  “I shall never deny training to anyone sincerely seeking it of me”
  “I shall never lose or misuse the title entrusted to me.”
  “I will never seek atonement or absolution from any but my Liege”
  “I shall never submit to any, save the Queen”

Who are you that does not make the world better.

Notable Members


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