
Society Simply put Pebblesford is primarily a fishermen society, an esteemed group that upholds the ancient traditions of the sea. Passed down through generations, their wisdom and expertise in the art of fishing is unparalleled. The fishermen society is a close community, with its own customs and rituals. They gather in the early morning hours, preparing their nets and boats with meticulous care. As the sun rises over the horizon, the fishermen set sail, their skillful hands guiding the vessels through the waters with grace and precision. Their camaraderie and unwavering respect for the sea form the foundation of their success, ensuring a bountiful catch and sustenance for the entire town. The town takes great pride in their local turtle population and has made many steps to defend them from poachers, as their shells have been coveted after for their unique designs.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports Cattle, fruits/vegetables, wheat, lumber, and tar.   Exports Seafood, shells, fishing equipment, boats/ships, and sails.   Trade and Commerce As the skilled fishermen return from their expeditions, their boats laden with an abundance of fresh seafood, the residents are quick to unload their catch and begin processing it for use or to transport it abroad. The marketplace becomes a hub of activity, teeming with locals and visitors eager to savor the ocean's bounty. The fishermen proudly display their catches, showcasing an array of fish, shellfish, and other delectable food from the sea. Traders from neighboring towns and villages flock to Pebblesford, seeking to purchase seafood to satisfy the demands of their own communities. A lively exchange of goods and coin takes place, creating a vibrant economic ecosystem that sustains the town's livelihood.


The town's unique name lies in its architecture, as it is partially built on the pebbled beach and extending out onto the waters of the bay. Wooden houses with thatched roofs line the shoreline and then extend out into the bay via a unique dock system. Regardless of the sea state, the docks have been engineered to keep the structures build on them stable. When one enters the town, the salty breeze carries the scent of the ocean and unique aromas of their seafood cuisine. The locals of Pebblesford are renowned for their exceptional skills as fishermen and sailors. They have mastered the art of navigating the waves and have built a rugged community centered around the sea. Boats of all sizes, from sturdy fishing vessels to merchant sailing ships, bob on the normally calm waters, waiting to get underway.   The beach is adorned with colorful pebbles and smooth glass pieces, washed ashore by the ebb and flow of the tides. When the sun shines upon them, the pebbles glisten like scattered jewels, creating a fantastical sight that attracts visitors from far and wide. The sea stretches out endlessly, its waters merging seamlessly with the distant horizon thanks to the expansive size of the Bay.   The people of Pebblesford are hard-working and welcoming, always willing to share tales of their seafaring and the bounties of the ocean. The town's bustling marketplace offers a plethora of freshly caught fish, chromatic seashells, and other maritime treasures. You can also find skilled craftsmen who meticulously craft exquisite jewelry and trinkets from the polished glass pieces found on the shore. As is a long-standing tradition, the townsfolk gather around bonfires on the beach, sharing stories and songs.

Points of interest

Otamot's Masonry - The workshop of a male oathsworn stonemason named Otamot, who seems to know every dangerous place within twenty leagues of town.


Pebblesford is situated in the southern region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located at the southeastern portion of the Prayer Mountains and is situated on the northern beaches of Shallow Rock Bay.
Inhabitant Demonym
181; Mixed – Mostly human, oathsworn, and wylderkin.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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