Prophesies of The Gwidion

Written by His Lord Baron Lucius Elor III
One of the few magics the Magi of Gwidion have kept to themselves, away from the common spells and rituals of the Celestial and Earth Magic, is their gift in Divination. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, stories and prophesies became rampant across Dayne, some of substance, others of pure folly, and still others so ambiguous as to be unverifiable. There are still other prophecies kept discreet and only shared in parts, like the Prophecy of Filorin in Valo to The Great Eye in Karmadazan.   The Magi have been a major part of The Northern Wood for centuries. Their origins are unknown, but they have been around since the formation of Kerak and Valo and have deep roots in The Lands of Dayne. It was only in the 3rd age they decided it was time that they allow the world to see through them and give Prophecy’s that will come to pass.   The Nobility of Valo specifically have a long standing tradition of having Prophecies read for their children by the Magi of Gwidion. In general, these readings are of the obscure variety, but on more occasions than not, they hold true. Like The Naga Prophecy, it was told of a great Noble house, that their daughter would have her life rescued by a snake after a Volcanic Eruption and so gave her the name Nagafire in a special ceremony. And this young lady, Eilea Nagafire Ragnos, was indeed saved by a snake many years later, when an assassin crawling through a window was met by a U’Calo Canopy Viper.   Occasionally, Prophecies seem to be almost purposefully vague, as the Magi of Gwidions revel in the knowledge only they have seen. After years of research I have discovered many of these Prophecies that, I believe, have yet to come to pass. I have listed them here in this tome. I have listed them by Date they were told by the Magi of Gwidion. I leave you with this.   Do not be afraid of the things that you read in this tome; Our fate cannot be taken from us; it is a gift.   Prophecy of the Lost King.
88 AA
There comes a day when the wind freezes water, a surrender shall cause the rise of the King that was lost.   Prophecy of The Blind Man
109 AA
Upon the day the blind man sees once more, a falling of stone shall bring forth the destruction of nature and a corruption of the groves.   Prophecy of Smoke
153 AA
It shall be then, when white smoke rises, a challenge shall bring a world of darkness and the end of an Empire.   Prophecy of Oaths
181 AA
It shall be on the day that rust turns to steel, the Oath shall return and set the balance once more.   Prophecy of Black Stone
199 AA
When the time comes that Kingdoms collide, the fall of Black stone shall open what was hidden away.   Prospect of the Red Sky
223 AA
When the day comes that the sky burns red, and a clash of family spills regnant blood, it shall usher forth the return of The Lords, The Icons, and The Courts.   Prophecy of the Winds
275 AA
When the moment comes that the winds show their true power, a random act of selflessness shall bring forth the downfall of a Kingdom.   Prophecy of the Scarred Man
298 AA
Once lightning strikes twice, the scarred man shall mark a rebirth of Lost Honor.   Prophecy of the Lion
308 AA
Upon the day when the Lion downs the Eagle, the earth shall turn to fields of green and harvests will thrive.   Prophecy of the Sisters
331 AA
Upon the day a Flame is Frozen, two sisters shall bring an end to the Dawn.   Prophecy of Wolves
338 AA
Upon the day all wolves howl together, the stranger shall usher forth bloodshed of the blue bloods.   Prophecy of the Snake
392 AA
Upon the day the mountain weeps with molten fury, a snake shall save the life of royal innocence.   Prophecy of Blood Rain
413 AA
It shall be then, when the blood rain returns, a silver haired woman shall open the door to that which was banished.   Prophecy of Fools
439 AA
When the day comes that the mark of none becomes the mark of many, a foolish choice shall usher forth an enemy not seen in ages.   This is the Day of Midori is announced, when the Magi of Gwidion said that 1 Prophecy would be given on New Year’s Day every 17 years   Prophecy of The Return
450 AA
Upon the golden crown in the west, a thinning of the veil will witness the vengeance of Dragons.   Prophecy of Rain
467 AA
As soon as a dry rain descends upon us, a loss shall bring forth the end of Magic.   Prophecy of The Last
484 AA
Once the last of its race dies, a great corruption shall wash over the land and the dead shall break free of their bonds.   Prophecy of Ash
501 AA
When the time comes that myth becomes truth, a new night shall rise from Ash.   The Prophecy of the Green Moon
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When the rivers turn green and the sky lay still, the wolf in the stars shall be reborn.   The Prophecy of Moonless Night
535 AA
When the moon disappears from the sky, the world will be plunged into darkness. Only the one who can ignite the moonstone will be able to restore light.   The Prophecy of Black Stone
552 AA
When the sky bleeds red, the dead will rise from their graves until the time where the Black stone is cracked.   The Prophecy of Flames
579 AA
When the star of fire falls from the sky, the mountain will be consumed by flames. The chosen of fire will be the only who can quell the flame.   The Prophecy of Rising Smoke
597 AA
When the day comes that white smoke rises in the east, a Lion shall bring forth an end to the the Darkness.   The Prophecy of the Marked One
614 AA
When legend becomes history, the marked one shall bring forth an age of repression and unseen power.


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