
Society The townsfolk maintain a deep respect for the natural world and the creatures that inhabit it. In Raynald, wisdom is passed down through generations, with elders and wise sages playing an important role in guiding the town's affairs and ensuring the preservation of their traditions. This communal spirit extends beyond the borders of Raynald, as the town often collaborates with neighboring settlements to address larger challenges, fostering alliances and friendships that strengthen the entire Kingdom of Kerak. It is expected that most archers will enlist in Kerak’s Army for a time, meeting their obligation of service to the Kingdom in the process.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports Cattle, musical instruments, silk, and fragrant oils   Exports Fragrant flowers, fish, bows/arrows, and clay   Trade and Commerce The town's strategic location, situated near the Periphery River and rich natural resources, has made it a prime destination for merchants and traders from far and wide. Raynald's renowned fishing industry supplies an abundance of exotic and aquatic creatures, sought after by gourmets and alchemists alike. The local market brims with an array of enchanted artifacts, rare spell components, and mystical curiosities, attracting collectors and scholars in search of arcane knowledge. Skilled artisans and craftsmen, deeply inspired by the fantastical realm they inhabit, offer unique and meticulously crafted goods, including enchanted jewelry, ornate weapons, and intricate tapestries depicting scenes of mythical beings. The town's taverns and inns also thrive, catering to the needs of weary travelers and adventurers who come seeking respite or tales of their exploits. Raynald's bustling trade and commerce foster a dynamic and diverse economy, appealing to explorers and adventurers alike.


Resting alongside Periphery Delta, Raynald has long been renowned for two things: its exceptional fishing and its skilled archers. The townsfolk take great pride in their fishing traditions, and the local market is always adorned with an array of scales, unique shells, and teeth from imposing looking predators found in the water. The archers of Raynald are hailed as legendary marksmen, honing their skills amidst the town's woodlands. These expert archers, often boasting magical bows, train diligently to protect the town from the various creatures that roam the Kingdom of Kerak. From the large raptors that soar through the skies to direwolves that roam the nearby meadows, the archers of Raynald are highly sought after due to marksmanship under stress.   Wooden houses with colorful shutters line the riverbanks, their rooftops adorned with fantastical symbols. The air is filled with the fragrant scent of wildflowers as you approach the marketplace. Traders from the neighboring towns, cities, and camps gather here to exchange goods, magical artifacts, and rare ingredients. Elaborate stalls display potions brewed by local alchemists, enchanted trinkets crafted by skilled artisans, and wild flowers that have been dried or harvested are sold during the midday. As day turns to night, the town's taverns come alive with laughter, songs, and drinking to near excess. The glow of enchanted lanterns casts a unique aura upon the river, thanks to the colored glass that is prevalent in the majority of buildings in the town.

Points of interest

The Keep - The broken ruins of a small castle, said to lie atop an underground cavern filled with long-forgotten weapons and armor in poor condition. The architecture strangely appears to be Utaran in origin, with what little items that can be found also appearing to be from the same place.   South Gate - An arch of weathered stone, placed to honor Lord Lesym.


Raynald is situated in the southern region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located at the southern end of the Lower Corridor of the Periphery River and is situated near the top of the Periphery Delta that flows into Shallow Rock Bay.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly human, hobling, and wylderkin.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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