
Society - Beyond its maritime prominence, Rihold boasts a vibrant and tightly-knit society. The city thrives on a sense of camaraderie and collective purpose that stems from its deep maritime heritage. The residents of Rihold, known as Riholders, exhibit a strong sense of civic duty and unwavering loyalty to one another. They value honor, discipline, and respect for authority, traits instilled by the presence of the Royal Navy. Riholders take great pride in their city's history and often gather in communal spaces to celebrate their shared heritage through festivals, parades, and ceremonies. This community fosters a strong support network, where individuals readily lend a helping hand to their neighbors and unite in times of adversity. The fabric of Rihold reflects the enduring bonds forged by a city molded by the ebb and flow of naval conflict and the spirit of its people.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports - Sails, tar, various metals, armor, and naval weaponry   Exports - Lumber, reagents, ranged weaponry, stonework, and weapons   Trade and Commerce - The city's harbor, filled with warships, serves as the heart of its maritime economy. Ships from all over Dayne dock in Rihold’s Dock Quarter, their sails billowing in the coastal breeze. Near to a hundred voices echoes through the narrow streets as merchants, sailors, and traders conduct their business, their wares displayed for the residents, sailors, soldiers, and adventurers. The scents of saltwater, spices, and freshly caught fish intermingle, creating an olfactory tapestry for visitors to enjoy. The city has some of the best seafood that can be found in Alteria, which brings a fair amount of revenue to the local economy. The city's bustling waterfront is congested in some places with warehouses, where cargo is stored before embarking on the next leg of their journey.


  • Kingstar District
  • Coin Borough
  • Bridge Market Plaza
  • Royal Navy Piers
  • Rampart District
  • Lowport District
  • Dawn Port District

Guilds and Factions

Retired Chiefs Association - The RCA was formed to advance the interests of the Royal Navy Chief Corps, encouraging integrity and fidelity to the service of the Kingdom, and fellowship within the senior enlisted ranks. It also served as a place where those no longer able to serve in an armed capacity could find work outside of their military career. Vocational expertise and adventuring skills were taught to these newly separated individuals. In 475 AA, the association was chartered by and for enlisted sailors, under the auspices of the RCA, reinforcing the Association’s motto – “In respect for those who have gone before us in life and death, and as an example for those who follow into service of the realm”.   Spellbinders Guild – A unique organization within the realm of magic, stands as a repository of knowledge and arcane mastery. Comprised of skilled spellswords, enchanters, and scholars, the guild serves as a nexus for the study, preservation, and application of mystical arts. Housed within a grand marble tower with shimmering sigils and ancient tomes, the guild provides a haven for its members to exchange insights, unravel the secrets of spellcraft, and delve into esoteric research. Led by a council of seasoned masters, the guild's halls resound with the crackling energy of spellcasting, as apprentices and adepts alike hone their craft under the watchful eyes of their mentors. Lately, the organization has become more private and rarely venture out past the tower gates.


Rihold is the primary stronghold and headquarters for the Royal Navy of Kerak. Situated on the coast, Rihold boasts a harbor that teems with activity, which filled with an array of warships, barges, and patrol boats of various sizes. At the heart of the city's naval might lies the RNS Valor, a magnificent three-deck ship of the line, which can be observed moored at one of the colossal docks or anchored near the entrance to the harbor. The flagship’s weaponry and crew are the best the Royal Navy has to offer, and is considered one of the modern marvels of Dayne due to it’s size and speed.   Rihold has witnessed numerous naval battles, both on land and offshore, as factions vied for control of the city. One of the most notable conflicts occurred during the War of Freedom when the Kingdom of Battenmore sought to lay siege to Rihold and bottle Kerak's Navy within the harbor. This led to the Battle of Rihold, a fierce engagement that occurred both on land and at sea, predominantly concentrated around the city's western and northern walls. The scale of the battle was immense, resulting in a substantial loss of life. The waters of the harbor, the beaches of Rihold, and the battlefield outside the Westgate became somber resting places for the permanent dead, forever reminding the city of the sacrifices made in defense of the realm.   The city of Rihold holds an unwavering pride and loyalty to the Kingdom of Kerak, deeply ingrained within its inhabitants. This devotion is especially evident in the maritime heritage that exists in every aspect of life in Rihold. The city's identity is intertwined with the Royal Navy, and the sight of naval vessels dominating the harbor only reinforces the relationship between Rihold and its maritime prowess. Several plaza markets within the city offer an array of goods from near places all over Dayne, which normally addresses the needs of sailors, soldiers, and merchants who live in Rihold.

Points of interest

The Spellbinders Guild Hall - A three-story tower of polished marble, decorated with engraved runes and multiple, colored-glass windows.   Remembrance Rock - An ancient spire of quartz, placed to mark the Battle of the Foxwood Forest.   The Salty Seafarer Bar - Found moored up in the Lowport District, this floating tavern is always busy and near filled to capacity. Owner by William Beas, an eccentric human who tells quite a few tall tales and is implied to have a huge debt to resolve, many a sailor laughs off his story while enjoying a drink. His wife, Tessa, is frequently found flirting with naval officers and anyone else of import. Regardless of this dysfunction, the restaurant sports exotic drinks and food which should not be missed.


Rihold is situated in the southeastern region of Alteria, within the Kingdom of Kerak. The port city’s shore faces westward toward the Arin Sea and is due west of Ferrus’os.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed – Mostly human, elf, and dwarves.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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