
SOCIETY The reclusive entities within the City amonst the Stars say little of what happens within the confines of the large tower. From what information is available, it is a relatively normal society that is governed by a magic-using oligarchy. Conversations with representatives of the tower indicate that the location is one of education and research at its core, with celestial magics being at the forefront. Those seeking ritual study or arcane knowledge are valued as much as or more than those with raw magic ability. It has been strongly indicated that those accepted into the tower will require intense study to remain and natural talent alone is not enough to extend a stay in Roevo.   ETYMOLOGY Utaran legends have Roevo being an entrance to the residence of a dragon. According to the lore, this dragon shape-changed into a smaller being to “comfortably” study their magics in peace and to ultimately share the knowledge gleaned with a select few.


The lone tower is modern marvel in Dayne. It appears to be a stone tower standing roughly 100ft high with a spired top made from a metal that has a chromatic appearance. It looks to have been built of massive blocks of stone. There was is only one large door on the southern face of the tower which appears to be made of a dark wood and very clearly warded by powerful magics. Multiple large, arched windows are located at many intervals moving up the tower.


The base of the tower is guarded by a large stone construct. It appears to have been ordered to attack anyone who tries to touch or climb the walls, or who otherwise tries circumvent the walls or gates of the tower. A reinforced construct, it will attack until trespassers were either dead or unmoving, or until they retreated to over 70 meters away. Even if an individual was to make it to the windows, the powerful ward on the structure would repel all but the most powerful spell-wielders.


"The City amongst the Stars" is very much an anomaly in the Kingdom of Utara. The tower is of an ancient design not in line with Utaran culture. It is the northernmost populated area in the entire shard of Dayne. Made up of celestial magic scholars and researchers, its specific purpose has largely been undetermined. Entry into the location is by invitation only and highly regulated on where a visitor can go once inside. It is avoided by local people, and even local adventurers are advised against exploring the area.   The master of the tower is unknown and a subject of mystery and widespread speculation. It is certain to be someone capable of high celestial magics. Most believe this master wishes to restrict themselves somewhere inside the tower, along with all their servants and peers. One possibility is that they some sort of magical being with a personal agenda they prefer to keep to themselves. Rumors have always circulated that the master could a lich or demilich, but others thought that it could as easily be a powerful scholar or other powerful mage. Tribe elders in Utara have presented a number of theories of their own, many being outlandish and unlikely. While having isolationist tendencies, Roevo has sent out advisors and similar representatives to assist the people of Utara, and to a lesser degree, Dayne during seemingly dire events.
Founding Date


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