The Coloserrie Mountains

The Coloserrie Mountain range is a massive and imposing range of peaks that dominates the southeastern portion of the Kingdom of Kerak. The range is situated in the southern part of the Alteria continent, south of Atlan's Wall, and is split into three sections by the branches of the Periphery River. The mountains in the Coloserrie range are characterized by their jagged peaks, steep slopes, and deep valleys. The terrain is treacherous, with rugged cliffs and narrow passes that can be difficult to navigate. The mountains are covered in dense forests of coniferous trees, such as spruce and pine, that provide habitat for a variety of wildlife.   Some of the notable features of the Coloserrie Mountain range include:
  • The Three Peaks: The three highest peaks in the range are known as the Three Peaks. These towering mountains are the highest points in the range and can be seen from miles away.
  • The River Gorge: The Periphery River runs through the mountains, carving a deep gorge through the rugged terrain. The gorge is home to a variety of waterfalls and rapids and provides a habitat for a variety of aquatic wildlife.
  • The Crystal Caves: These caves are located deep within the mountains and are known for their stunning crystal formations. They are a popular destination for adventurers and explorers.


The climate in the Coloserrie Mountain range is warm and dry, with hot summers and mild winters. The mountains are known for their Mediterranean-like climate, which supports a unique mix of flora and fauna. The range is also subject to wildfires, which are a natural part of the mountain ecosystem.

Fauna & Flora

  • A mix of evergreen and deciduous trees, including giant sequoias, oak, and maple.
  • Manzanita: A type of evergreen shrub with small, leathery leaves and red berries. Manzanita is a common shrub in the mountain range and is often used for ornamental purposes.
  • Toyon: A shrub or small tree with bright red berries that is also known as Givers berry. Toyon is a popular plant in the mountain range and provides food for a variety of wildlife, including birds and deer.
  • Coulter Pine: A large pine tree with long, heavy cones that can weigh up to ten pounds. Coulter Pines are a common sight in the Coloserrie range and provide a source of food for a variety of wildlife.
  • Mountain Lion: A large cat that is native to the mountain range. Mountain lions are skilled hunters and can take down prey that is much larger than themselves.
  • Bighorn Sheep: The bighorn sheep is one of the most iconic animals of Dayne. These magnificent creatures can be found in the mountains of Alteria, where they use their powerful horns to climb steep slopes in search of food. Bighorn sheep are also excellent swimmers and have been known to cross rivers as deep as 10 feet.
  • Alterian Condor: A large bird of prey that is native to Alteria and the surrounding areas. The Alterian Condor is an endangered species, and efforts are being made to preserve their habitat in the Coloserrie range. Several Kerak military units use this specific condor as their unit emblem.
  • Eared Grebe: This unique bird is a type of waterbird that is found in wetlands throughout eastern Dayne. In Alteria, these birds breed at lakes and rivers in the east, including Lake Landisridge. Eared grebes are easily recognizable by their black and white plumage, and their long, thin necks.
  • Deer: Several species of deer are native to the mountain range, including the black-tailed deer and the mule deer. Deer are an important source of food for both humans and predators in the range.

Natural Resources

  • Timber: The forests in the Coloserrie range are a source of valuable timber, including pine, oak, and maple. The timber is used for construction, furniture, and paper production.
  • Minerals/Ore: The mountains in the Coloserrie range contain a variety of minerals, including gold, silver, copper, and quartz. These minerals are mined and processed by the people who live in the surrounding areas.
  • Water: The rivers and streams that flow through the Coloserrie range provide a source of freshwater for the people and wildlife in the surrounding areas. The water is used for irrigation, drinking, and recreation.
  • Wildlife: The mountains in the Coloserrie range are home to a variety of wildlife, including deer, bighorn sheep, and mountain lions. These animals are hunted for food and their fur.
  • Recreation: The rugged terrain and natural beauty of the Coloserrie range make it a popular destination for outdoor recreation, including hiking, camping, and fishing. The tourism industry provides an important source of income for the people of Kerak in the surrounding areas.
Mountain Range
Location under
Owning Organization


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