The Floating Meadow

Created when King Athaharn Yagarn sacrificed himself to save the few remnants of his people. He used a weapon of last resort, a unique relic that had been intended for mining. It was modified as powerful weapon by the Royal Engineers in a last-ditch effort to save as many of their people as possible. When the King engaged the device, it cleaved the southern portion of the Kingdom from the rest in an instant. The massive channel that was created was immediately filled in from both the Osi Ocean and Arin Sea's waters rushing into the gaping maw in the land.


The Floating Meadows waters are reddish color and brackish. The "islands" in the Meadow seemingly shift and change in size and dimensions, with those attempting to navigate it say they appear to "float". This floating myth stuck with the region. In reality, the competing tides of two oceans and the mixing of tow large ocean bodies have cause a chaotic geographic anomaly in Pallidon.


The waters of the Floating Meadow are poisonous to most wildlife. This is believed to be from whatever toxic material believed to have been stored in the area or caused by the use of a massive mining device on a massive scale. Research has yielded little information, even after three centuries.

Localized Phenomena

Odd sounds are constantly heard by brave travelers in the area. Often described as groans, creaks, metal clinking, or low moaning sounds, no one has been able to pinpoint their origins. Many believe this is debris moving underwater or collapsing on the weight of silt and sand. Others claim it could be Gau attempting to free themselves from a water grave. Regardless, the sounds are part of the mystery of the Floating Meadow.

Fauna & Flora

The waters of the meadow are devoid of life. Only on the western and eastern edges are there some semblances of life from the Osi Ocean and Arin Sea. Vultures are a prominent sight in the sky, who feed on the unfortunate animals or people who attempt to swim in the toxic waters of the area.
Alternative Name(s)
The Dead Channel
Location under


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