The Last Charge of a Prince

Half a league, half a league,
Half a league onward,
  All to the Valley of Death
Rode the Nineteen forward.
  “Forward, the Legion!
Charge for the Dawn!” he screamed.
Into the Valley of Death
Rode the Nineteen.
  “Forward, the Legion!”
Would they be able save this region?
  Not though the Knights knew
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why.
Theirs but to do and die.
  Into the valley of Death
Rode the Nineteen forward.
  Destruction to the right of them,
Destruction to the left of them,
Destruction in front of them
Volleyed and thundered;
  Stormed at with magic and dire,
Boldly they rode, into the fire.
  Into the jaws of Death,
Into the mouth of Doom
  Rode the Nineteen forward.
  Flashed all their longsword bare,
Caught within this great nightmare;
Knowing now their moments were numbered,
All the world watched, standing in awe and wonder.
  Plunging through the smoke
Right through the line they broke.
  The greatest heroes Dayne had ever seen
Shattered and sundered,
Then they rode back, but
Not the Nineteen.
  Destruction to the right of him,
Destruction to the left of him,
Destruction behind him
Volleyed and thundered;
  Stormed at with with magic and dire,
Here is where the Legion retired.
  While horse and Hero fell.
They, that had fought so well
  Trying again through the jaws of Death,
All that was left, this, his last breath.
All that was left to be seen,
Was for our Princes sword to strike keen
  Finally fell The last of the Nineteen.
  When can their glory fade?
Oh the wild charge they made!
    Honour the charge they made!
Honour the Legion to this day,
All of Dayne could’ve never foreseen.
The great sacrfice of the Noble Nineteen!

In Remberance

Prince Asteroth The Titan
  Searc Maelstrom Rage
  Tetugurk, The Enforcer
  Dendorm Loudnight
  Meridelin, The Knower
  Sibenna Deirose
  Vakra Rairzaex
  Botlakh Ushau
  Largo Cotton
  Vomushk, The Untouchable
  Sabina Ceija
  Badri al-Masri
  Pylvin Aep Hunihn
  Gruffgrim Stonebeard
  Renna Elneiros
Banner of The Legion


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