The Miniarium

The Miniarium is a magnificent stone arch located in the Southern region of The Lands of Dayne. This monumental structure, shrouded in legends and mystery, is believed to be a Mist gate, serving as a portal for travel into and out of Dayne and throughout Fortannis using the ethereal mists.


The Miniarium stands tall and imposing, crafted from ancient stone that is foriegn from the Southern reaches of Dayne's mist border. The Miniarium radiates a mesmerizing shimmer, that spans a significant width, towering high above the surrounding landscape. The arch is adorned with intricate carvings of symbols and runes, reminiscent of a unknown era, etched into its surface. The Mistgate itself possesses an otherworldly quality, with subtle hues that seem to shift and change depending on the viewer's perspective.


Due to the inherent power and potential danger associated with the Miniarium, it is said to be guarded by the Celestial Santuary of Ahkua. These guardians are tasked with preserving the sanctity of the arch and ensuring that only those destined to travel through the Mistgate are granted passage. It is said that these blue robed wizards keep a constant watch over The Miniarium, monitoring any who dare enter its shimmering portal, or perhaps even those who may come out of it.


According to the lore passed down through generations, The Miniarium is said to be a creation of the Dragons of Dayne, This ancient species were believed to have harnessed such a power over the mists that blanketed the land of Fortannis, which allowed them to limit any who would enter Dayne from any surrounding lands of Fortannis. The Miniarium's primary purpose is to act as a Mist gate, enabling individuals to travel between the lands of Dayne and other Realms of Fortannis. Those brave enough to step through the shimmering veil would find themselves in the Mists of Fortannis, unable to discern a way back. Leaving Dayne through The Miniarium would be a choice as returning has never been seen before. There have been legends of distant travelers that have stumbled upon the Mistgate while lost in the Mists, entering The Lands of Dayne, but those stories have not been proven as fact.
Founding Date
Age of Devastation


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