The Spellscar

When a call for immediate aid was made by the Kingdom of Dazan, the 19 members of Legion of Dawn answered the call. They sacrificed themselves to save all of Dayne, in the process sadly being unable to save most the people of Dazan. Survivors that have fled into the Kingdoms of Kerak and Carn Mirdain tell its peoples of the vile, corrupted animals, creatures, and people that immediately tried to snuff out their lives. Both Kerak and their dwarven allies have attempted to send in scouting parties to learn of the extent of the damage. Few got far before being quickly repulsed. Their information was used to set a perimeter and blockade around the area. It was at this point that the noble leaders of both Kingdoms decided that a massive wall should be built around the remnants of the now Fallen Kingdom of Dazan; Atlans Wall. The wall is manned and the assigned Watchers keep a constant watch to the broken ruins of several settlements and the land itself. It is known that magic is generally suppressed in what became known as the “Spellscar”. Magic users can only use their columns of magical in the Spellscar and nothing else seems to work. Entrance into the Spellscar is discouraged, as most dedicated expeditions have failed.

In Art

Many pieces of art have been made depicting varying interpretations of the Spellscar's creation. Most are haunting or dark pieces showing the utter devastation that occurred to the land and its people. A massive mural displaying the sacrifices of the Legion of Dawn, led by the late Prince Asteroth can be found in the City of Kerak on the North Wall.
Date of First Recording
619 AA
Date of Setting
619 AA


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