Tiaden Willis

Foxkin, Mayor - Tiaden Willis is a foxkin with striking orange fur and sharp, intelligent eyes. She is a woman of few words, but those who know her describe her as tough, capable, and fiercely independent. Tiaden was an adventurer of some renown in the Free Cities before she settled back in Williston, and her experience in the field has given her a unique perspective on the challenges facing the town. Tiaden's family has deep roots in Williston, and her ancestors were the first to establish the town as a permanent settlement. As a result, she feels a strong sense of responsibility to the town and its people, and she works tirelessly to ensure that they are safe, prosperous, and free.   As the mayor of Williston, Tiaden is a respected leader who is known for her wisdom and fairness. She is a skilled negotiator and strategist, and she has a knack for seeing the big picture when it comes to the town's challenges. Tiaden is also deeply committed to the town's adventurers, and she understands their unique needs and desires better than anyone. Tiaden's leadership style is often described as pragmatic and hands-on. She is not afraid to get her hands dirty when necessary, and she is always willing to make tough decisions for the good of the town. However, she also listens carefully to the opinions and concerns of her constituents, and she is known for her ability to find creative solutions to complex problems.
Current Location
Emerald green
Raven Black, mid-length
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Striking orange fur
5' 4"
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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