
Are members of a high-ranking class in Utaran cultures. Tibers are societal leaders as well as legal authorities, adjudicators, lorekeepers, medical professionals and political advisors. Their name may have come from a ancient word meaning “knower of the oak tree.” The Tibers generally leave no written accounts. While many are literate, they are believed to show preference toward a spoken history compared to recording their knowledge in written form. All Tibers can cast Earth Magic and strive to better their abilities for the betterment of those around them. Elder Tibers are considered som of the most powerful users of Earth magic on the shard. They also tend to an active role in the development of many young people, who go to them for instruction. If difficult situations or matters, Utaran leaders with go to Tibers and request they judge public and private quarrels, to include the decree penalties.
Educational, Society
Alternative Names
Knower of the Oak Tree
Notable Members


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