
SOCIETY Tradetown culture, especially among the elite classes, spread across the Frozen Sands territories in western, central, and south portions of the island and spoke many different languages. It was spread by poets, artists, architects, artisans, jurists, and scholars, who maintained relations among their peers in the far-flung cities of Dayne, from Alteria to Pallidon. The city is full of activity and business negotiations are constantly going on in the background.   Due to its inclusive culture, the cities modes of consciousness, ethos, and daily practices that have persisted in the Frozen Sands land. This formed a calcified structure of thought and experience of the magics within Fortannis, entrenched for generations, which later informed history, historical memory, and identity among Al’shizar leaders. Openness and tolerance are practiced and encouraged throughout the diverse city.


Sultanate / Monarchy

Industry & Trade

IMPORTS Glass, livestock, linen, spices, fragrant oils, stone, reagents, and jewelry   EXPORTS Sugar, rice, fruit, incense, precious metals, arms/armor, and alchemy/potions   TRADE AND COMMERCE The Al’shizar Empire is efficiently run and has always welcomed trade from outside its borders. Its merchants can be found throughout the lands of Dayne and many of its exports are highly sought after. Numerous measures have been undertaken by the empire to increase agricultural production. Canals were dug to facilitate the irrigation of agricultural lands throughout the island. Cultivation of sugarcane was officially encouraged to meet the great demand of it by both the local inhabitants and foreign nations. Thanks to this acceptance of foreign trade, several new plants were introduced to the Frozen Sands, including sesame, carob, millet, rice, lemons, melons, apricots, and shallots. Tradetown is the nexus for most maritime economy for the Empire and is protected accordingly because of this.   The main factor which boosted industry and trade under the Al’shizar was the new interests Pallidon nations developed when they came into contact with the desert people. Commodities included incense, scents, fragrant oils, and aromatic plants from Arabia and India, as well as ginger, alum, and aloes. Likewise, Valo developed new tastes in the matter of fashions, clothing, and home furnishing. Rugs, carpets, and tapestries manufactured in the Frozen Sands were introduced to the East through Pallidonian-Al’shizar interaction.   The demand for agricultural products and industrial commodities stimulated maritime activity and international trade to an unprecedented extent. The Al’shizar have played a leading role in this as they controlled sea-trade routes which passed through the ports of Earia and Tradetown via Kings Bay and the Arin Sea. The trade policy of the Al’shizar Sultanate placed them in a position of great advantage; although they cooperated with the Dabu Greenlans and Valo in the Kings Bay, they limited them from having access to the Arin Sea. Thus, they kept the trade of the area exclusively in their hands.


Districts are: • Lower Market District • Bazaar District • Sultan’s Ward • Scholar’s Village • Scorpions Borough • Rouges Ward • Scimitar Docks

Guilds and Factions

The Unbound - Are appointed members of the Al’shizar military with near limitless authority to act in the Sultans name in terms of law enforcement and espionage. These fully masked individuals never give their name and rarely identified publicly. They are found everywhere in Earia and the major settlements of the Frozen Sands, to include acting as the Sultan Amir’s personal bodyguard. While normally viewed as magistrates or constables, they are also considered the elite warriors within the army. Their name comes from the policy of unrestricted access to records and approaches to investigative manners.


The Port of Tradetown is one of the busiest ports in the Kings Bay, if not all of Dayne. It is located on the eastern tip of the Frozen Sands and serves as a hub for all kinds of trade between Pallidon and Alteria. The port has a long history, which dates back to the several centuries when it was built by eastern tribes to allow for travel or trade abroad. It was briefly captured by High Orcs and High Ogres who affixed a temporary name until a more fitting one could be assigned. After being violently ejected by a combined force of tribes from all over the island, it was used as a base for trading with the rest of Dayne. Known for having the largest deep-water port in the west, it is by far the most successful.   The city is a good place for shipping companies to do business and the port has been serving the needs of the Al’shizar Empire economy for many years now and is currently being expanded to meet future needs.

Points of interest

The Grand Bazaar – Considered the largest open-air market to exist in Dayne. Adventurers and visitors from all over come to the bazaar to find rare and unique items. al-Hiy's Blades - A cluttered weaponsmith's workshop, decorated with a collection of sundered shields.   The Cask and Toad - A fanciful adventurer's tavern, kept by a retired adventurer named Umm Qaady Fata al-Mee.   al-Sa's Clocks - The workshop of a female human clockmaker named Ghaha bint Aleer al-Sa, known for her marvelous clockwork toys.   The Old Wall - A section of an old town wall divides several blocks. Ancient engravings of the names of those who have fallen in defense of the city can be seen on the worn rock.   The Scimitar Docks – The heavily reinforced and armed docks of Tradetown make any attack from sea a foolish endeavor. Among the docks is a small catapult fortress, barracks, and a lighthouse. Just next to its perimeter is a quarry, and the stone here is especially tough – several scholars use it to fashion their constructs, and now the Emipre build its towers with it.


Tradetown is located in the eastern portion of the Frozen Sands and is on the coast facing toward the Arin Sea. The desert area around the city has multiple large sandhills and a stone road leading into and out of the city.


Tradetown, as with the majority of the Frozen Sands, has a unique climate system. Summers are prolonged, dry and exceedingly hot with less humidity. Winters are brutally cold and somewhat rainy; snowfall is frequent. Autumn is very brief and mild, but has the most drastic temperature change, unlike spring where the transition to summer is more gradual and steady. Annual rainfall is around 130 mm (5 in), occurring from October to May.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Human, Biata, and Stone Elf
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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