

Trelimbor, the great Island home to the Stone Elves of Dayne. Trelimbor was chosen as their sanctuary due to its abundant natural resources and the balance between the land and the sea. The island's isolation and proximity to @the allowed the Stone Elves to maintain a deep connection to the Wood.


Trelimbor, the Stone Elf city, has a rich history that dates back to the early days of The Second Age of the Lands of Dayne. It was established as one of the first cities within the vast Northern Wood, a region renowned for its dense forests and mystical beauty. The Stone Elves, a unique race of elves known for their stoic nature and lack of outward emotion, chose Trelimbor as their home, embracing the serenity and harmony of the surrounding natural environment. The city's foundation can be traced back to a time when the Stone Elves sought to establish a permanent settlement that would embody their core values of wisdom, introspection, and longevity. It is believed that Trelimbor was founded by a group of prominent Stone Elf elders who sought a retreat away from the bustling cities and kingdoms of other races, including thier kin in The Northern Wood. They longed for a place where they could commune in their way, pursue enlightenment, and preserve their traditions. Throughout the ages, Trelimbor remained a sanctuary for the Stone Elves, its influence extending far beyond the borders of the city itself. Stone Elves who ventured out into the world carried the teachings and philosophies of Trelimbor, spreading the values of introspection, balance, and respect becoming emissaries to many Kingdoms throught Dayne.

Points of interest

In the center of Trelimbor lies the magnificent Grand Glade, a sprawling open area that serves as the heart of the city. Here, grand gatherings and festivals are held, where Stone Elves come together to celebrate their culture. At the center of the Grand Glade, a colossal ancient tree stands, its branches reaching out to the sky like an everlasting embrace.


The city is organized into interconnected treehouses, built high above the ground much like most cities in The Northern Wood, interconnected by rope bridges and wooden walkways. These elevated dwellings offer stunning views of the forest and allow the Stone Elves to live in harmony with nature, respecting and preserving the fragile ecosystem around them. Some treehouses serve as private abodes, while others house libraries, schools, or communal spaces for gathering and celebration.


Trelimbor is situated on a lush, densely forested island that lies just off the coast of the Northern Wood. The small woodland island is knownn for its breathtaking beauty and magical resonance. The island is surrounded by azure waters, fed by underground springs and veiled in a soft mist that perpetually hovers over the trees. The landscape of Trelimbor is dominated by majestic trees, some so colossal that they seemingly touch the sky, their roots spreading wide and intertwining with the architecture of the city. Stone pathways wind through the dense foliage, leading to various parts of the city. Hidden beneath the canopy, there are numerous crystal-clear ponds and small rivers that flow through the heart of Trelimbor, reflecting the radiant moonlight and giving the city an otherworldly charm.
Alternative Name(s)
The White Haven
Large city
Location under
Owning Organization


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