Unfortunate Travel

Long ago, an old Selunari named Maybree of Clan Thief came across a key that could open the old Mirror House of Dazan. The Mirror House was a fascinating magical vault, created by the Biata peoples of Dazan, and housed supposed artifacts of the kingdom just outside of the now ruined capital of Karmadazan.   Maybree set out to explore the Mirror House, searching out its hidden secrets one by one by using this key he came across. Most of the maze like building led to places that had long since fallen into ruin, while some opened too halls of madness, where it’s said one’s mind could be broken permanently. Maybree always jested that he could even connect to other planes from inside the Mirror House. These, Maybree always said he approached with great care since he didn't want to get stranded in someplace even more hostile than The Spellscar. In his explorations, he saw rare wonders and acquired interesting trophies he would bring back and parade around taverns and pubs throughout Alteria. And then one day, he simply did not return.   After a suitable time, The local Selu Familias’ of southern Kerak hung Maybree’s feathered hat upon the wall of the Drunken Prince Inn in Baileon, raised their cups in his honor, and wished him well on his final delve into the mysteries of The Mirror House.   Four years passed, too many that really few remained who remembered Maybree’s or his exaggerated journeys other than the occasional story when someone asked about the hat on the wall. A disheveled man with a pure-white beard, his body severely bowed with great age, hobbled into the Drunken Prince Inn and claimed the feathered hat from the wall. "I am Maybree ," he told those in the room. "I have lived too many lives for one person. Perhaps this happened to me for a reason, but I have returned to tell it.” And then, he told his tale.   On the day he disappeared, Maybree used his key, what he called “The Compass”, to traverse the outer planes surrounding the lands of Dayne. This time, when he stepped through, he found himself lost within what he believed to be the Mists, but lost between the lands of Fortannis and the Outer Planes themselves. Here, a massive shattered keep stood beneath a starless sky in a place illuminated only by a purple, ghastly aurora in the sky. That did not discourage Maybree, as many planes and places he has been to previously had present an unwelcoming and eerie appearance. No, what was more troubling was that wherever he was, it was void of life, magic, energy… Everything. The key he carried was no longer functioning or enchanted, and the way he came through was shut.   Maybree then set out to explore the area and search for another way that might offer escape. The massive shattered keep, made from pure Obsidian, stood in the center of this place. Surrounded by unscalable walls, the lone arch leading into it, remained impassable and vision to the other side was not possible. He found that this unknown place appeared to be more of a prison than another plane he stumbled upon. A mere remnant of some previous place that had been subjected to pure devastation. After a few hours' march, he was brought to what could only be described as the edge of the world. This sad, broken fragment of land here was surrounded. Surrounded by the infinite void. And there was no way back.   Maybree’s long struggle to maintain his life in that place, there is no record. Some say he survived by hiding, running and scavenging the dead things he found there, in what he dubbed “The Brokenlands”. Others say that, as life and energy had been extinguished in that place, the natural course of his starvation was quelled and sustained, forcing him to his solitude, unable to die. Whatever the case, Maybree of Clan Thief forcibly endured, slowly withering away. Alone.   Then came the time that something changed. A simple blue light radiating from the shattered keep. It was the only thing the changed in the decades or perhaps centuries that Maybree was trapped there. A being stepped through the previously locked doorway to the shattered keep. This being was shrouded in dark shadows and black mists, Maybree was unable to discern whether it was truly there or not. The figure stood tall and proud as he walked through. Maybree crept close to listen to the dark figure speak and then decide if he should beg them for help if it seemed wise.   "My lord”. The figure kneels and speaks to the darkness just passed the Arch of the shattered keep. “I have found you." Suddenly, Maybree explained, from the darkness he could see many many eyes open, and fixate as one upon the arch and the figure standing in the doorway. The eyes blinking as one and moving together, slowly narrow and from the darkness whatever the figure was speaking with responded in such a speech that Maybree has never heard.   Still kneeling before the darkness, “I thank you Mighty Lord for my lesson, It shall be done." the figure answered.   When he had finished kneeling, he stood before the darkness, with a final gesture and bow, and turned around to return through the arch from which he came. It was at that moment, Maybree saw his chance to escape and rushed forward towards the obsidian arch. Just as it closed he leapt through, looking back seeing the massive grouping of eyes watching him from the darkness laughing deep and manically. Maybree looking up from the ground he landed on leaping through the arch, found himself back in Dayne. He wasn’t in Dazan or The Mirror House or even The Spellscar at all, he was at the Miniarium in the frigid southern tip of the lands of Dayne but now as an an old and broken man.   It’s been nearly a year and no one has found that sad and shattered place. “The Brokenlands" as Maybree named it. Most wonder if perhaps Old Maybree’s mind was twisted venturing in The Spellscar so many times and this was some cooked up madness his broken mind has dreamed up to believe. Or the more likely scenario is that Old Maybree is long past and some only hermit simply wished to capitalized on his name and adventures pretending to be him.


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