
Society Uniston has a unique society that has developed over time as a result of the close proximity of two distinct cultures - dwarven and human. The dwarves from the nearby Kingdom of Carn Mirdain have been an integral part of the town's community for generations, and their influence is felt in many aspects of daily life. The dwarves of Uniston are known for their expertise in stonework, metalworking, and engineering, and they have contributed significantly to the town's architectural and technological advancements. The buildings in Uniston feature a unique blend of human and dwarven architecture, with intricate stone carvings and sturdy, dwarven-built foundations.   The humans of Uniston, on the other hand, have contributed their own cultural traditions, including their cuisine, music, and folklore. The town's cuisine is a fusion of human and dwarven flavors, with hearty stews and savory meat pies being particularly popular. Music is also an important part of the town's culture, with both human and dwarven instruments being played at festivals and celebrations.   The result is a society that values hard work, innovation, and cooperation between cultures. The dwarves and humans of Uniston have learned to appreciate each other's strengths and work together to overcome challenges, creating a vibrant and unique community that is admired throughout the Kingdom of Kerak. Despite occasional cultural clashes, the people of Uniston have found ways to live together in peace and harmony, and their example serves as a model for other communities seeking to bridge cultural divides.   Etymology The name "Uniston" is derived from a combination of two words: "Uni," which is an old Kerakian word meaning "river," and "ston," which is a variation of the word "stone." Thus, the name "Uniston" can be loosely translated to mean "river stone" or "stone by the river."   The name is fitting for the town, as it is located on the banks of the Periphery River, and the surrounding area is rich in stone resources. The name also has a certain poetic quality to it, evoking a sense of solidity and permanence that reflects the town's long and storied history.


Monarchy (Kingdom of Kerak)

Industry & Trade

Imports Lumber, textiles, clothing, spices/flavorings, wines/spirits   Exports Metalwork, stonework, precious metals/gems, weapons, and armor   Trade and Commerce The trade economy of Uniston is an important aspect of the town's prosperity, and its unique blend of cultural influences is reflected in the goods that are imported and exported. The town's artisans and craftsmen are highly skilled, and their goods are in high demand throughout the Kingdom of Kerak. The dwarven weapons and armor, in particular, are highly prized by the kingdom's military, and Uniston is known for producing some of the finest arms and armor in the land. This makes it a hotspot for explorers and adventurers from all over Dayne.


  • Greenwall Borough


Uniston is a picturesque town located on the banks of The Periphery that runs through the northern reaches of the Kingdom of Kerak. The river is fed by the melting snows of the Blue Mountains. The town is surrounded by a small forest and rolling hills, and the air is crisp and clean.   As the northernmost settlement in the Kingdom of Kerak, Uniston is subject to long, harsh winters. Despite this, the town is lively and bustling, thanks in part to the presence of the Dwarven Embassy from the nearby Kingdom of Carn Mirdain. The dwarves are a common sight in the town, and their influence is felt in the architecture, the cuisine, and the local customs. The town is home to a diverse population of humans, dwarves, and refugees from the fallen Biata Kingdom of Dazan. These refugees have brought with them their own customs and traditions, which have blended seamlessly with those of the locals. The resulting culture is rich and vibrant, and the town is known for its festivals and celebrations.   Uniston played a crucial role in the early construction of Arlan's Wall. This mythical wall now stands as a testament to the bravery and ingenuity of the people of Kerak, who invested heavily in to protect their kingdom from the dangers of the Spellscar. The Spellscar is a magic-free zone that drove many magic users mad before a cataclysmic event almost 5 years ago. Now, Arlan's Wall keeps people out of this dangerous area.

Points of interest

The Exigent Emporium - A mysterious shop of arcane curiosities and wondrous items, many of which have signs of being of Dazanian origin. This is a popular location for the many adventurers that visit the area.   Dwarven Embassy - The embassy serves as the bridge between the Kingdoms of Kerak and Carn Mirdain. Many important meetings and decisions have been made in the reinforced keep on the northern portion of town.


Uniston is situated in the northern region of Alteria, being the northernmost settlement of the Kingdom of Kerak. The town is located on the southern bank of The Periphery and is due south of the dwarven capital city of Gnollengrom.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Human, dwarf, and hobling.
Location under
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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