
Capital of The Kingdom of Valo



The great capital city of Valo was originally named Archamaeasis, which was a word of the Draconic tongue that directly translates to “The City of Light”. A number of legends explained how the city's original name was thrown down and replaced, but the most commonly accepted is that it is believed that Hellias Valorim, the first king of Valo, single handedly bested Qarthanox, The White Dragon of Madness, breaking the night for good and bringing forth the Sun, being forever fixed in the sky. After defeating the dragon, he claimed his great hoard, and built one of the greatest Empires the mistshard of Dayne has ever seen to this day, The Kingdom of Valo.



Important People

Queen Amaya Valorim III- Human, Ruling Queen of Valo   Prince Venius Valorim - Human, Crown Prince and Heir to Throne of Valo   @Archduke Elyari Ancalima- Sylvanborn,High General of The Armies of Valo   Baron Elyian Miri- Human, Archmage and Guildmaster of The Celestial Dawn   Ulrich Heimer- Dwarf, Guildmaster of The Order of the Hammerfall   Karn Helskarach- Dark Elf, Guildmaster of the Tananeen   A'dina- Bark Dryad, Guildmaster of The Towenaar   Lucias Lawdor- Slyvanborn, Head of the Order of Gwidion   Elias Dejaram- Human, Local Loremaster and Court Librarian of House Valorim   Mattias Kirk- Biata,

Industry & Trade

Imports Horses, Precious Jewels, Wood, Silks, Leather   Exports Crafts(All), Spice Trade, Spirits, Dragonscript, Freshwater, Wine, Jewelry, Metal   Trade and Commerce Valorim controlled much of the trade moving through Pallidon. Several prominent wineries and and distilleries lay upon the coast of Kings Bay just east of the city all the way to Bichport. The city also had a large spice trade economy that has become almost comparable to gold. Valorim traded mostly via the three merchants companies of Valo. The was city is famed for its fine craftsfolk and fine jewelry creation which can be found adorned throughout Dayne. Valorim true asset was its importance as a center of learning, preparation and availability of Dragonscript, rivaled only by the Archmages of Tudor. Merchants, Adventures and Magical Crafters would travel from all corners of the shard to Valorim for this alone. Street vendors or simple peddlers are rarely seen in Valorim. High Queen Amaya Valorim III focused much of her resources on establishing trade and contracting crafters to help perfect the city’s infrastructure. Master Craftsman from all of Dayne were brought to a Valorim, creating guild halls including The Order of Hammerfall, the Dwarven Smiths of Gnollemgrom, The Towenaar, the Dryad Master Alchemists of the Northern Wood, and most famously The Tananeen, the Dark Elf craftsman of U’Calo. Valorim is a city full of opportunities. As word spread that the trade in Capital of Valo was rampant and thriving, merchants from both Pallidon and Alteria both became a hub for many prominent treading companies as well. Most of which take on apprentices and place representatives all over Dayne. Valo refused to restrict trade to guilds like some Alteria Kingdoms, so those who wanted to start a craft or business in Dayne, could simply do so, and those traders who dealt with basic products, such as foodstuffs, became wealthy just by selling their goods in the city. Likewise, there was demand for many jobs and those who offered their services either as workers or as apprentices had plenty of options despite the high competition throughout.

Guilds and Factions

Many of the groups, guilds and companies that operated in Valorim have become important pieces to the city and many of these factions still vie for favor in the city. Among the most important are:
  The Celestial Dawn- The prominent Celestial Guild of Dayne. This Guild originated and remains based in Valorim. Wizards and mages from all over come here to train and learn the ways of Celestial Magic.
  The Earth Coalition- The prominent Earth Guild of Dayne. Although based out of Kerak, their foothold in the West in here in Valorim. Respected healers that despise undead and necromancy in all its forms.
  The Order of Hammerfall- The great Craftsman of Hammerfall, originally from Gnollengrom of the Kingdom of Carn Mirdain, moved to Valorim on personal invitation from the Queen. They are known throughout the shard as the unparalleled greatest Weapon and Armorsmiths, having the ability to work with any metal or precious stone known.
  The Towenaar-The Prestigious Master Alchemists of The Northern Wood that has made its home and Main Guildhall in Valorim. Known throughout Dayne as the premier Alchemy and Herbal magnates of the Realm.
  The Tananeen- This group of misanthropes originally hails from the U’Calo Wood, just above Valorim, and are now established in the city. Their ability and understanding with Dragonscript is unmatched, as is their skill with High Magic of all schools and the knowledge to “create” it.
  The Order of Gwidion-This ancient group of Diviners, Seers and Soothsayers predates the City. Their Prophesies have been respected and welcomed by all. This order has made its home here in Valorim, but seldom are any of them there. It is said members of the order venture out into the world to learn of what is to come.
  The Anagnosi-The great Lorekeepers of Dayne. The Anagnosi place members in every major library in the shard. They have been based out of Valorim for past 400 years and have seen and learned much that has happened on Dayne.   The Lekso Company- One of the trading companies that has its main guildhall and storages in Valorim. House Lesko is of noble decent and has deep ties to Dabu as well as the fallen Kingdom of Khybur.
  The Seafares Guild- Operating out of the Port of Valorim for decades, travel between the Western shores of Pallidon and the Eastern shores of Alteria are done almost solely by TSG. Known for their unique design of ships that have bested the Osi ocean time and time again to reach Alteria and back.
  Kensington Trading & Associates- This group of merchants are relatively new but have been growing at a substantial rate. Open to all who wish to learn trade, Kensington Trading seeing the booming economy that has resurged in Valorim, created a massive guildhall and rent out space to anyone to sell their crafts and goods there.


Valorim, also known as the Gateway of Illumination, The Light of the West and the City of Light, is an extremely busy, and vastly cultured cosmopolitan in Southwest Pallidon. It has been regarded as the most cosmopolitan and civilized cities in all of Dayne. The city of Valorim is one of the few places in all of a Dayne that isn’t greeted by the Moon and the night. Valorim stays lit under the sun every single day of the year. Even beyond that, Valorim is known for a great many things. Mainly it’s craftsfolk of every trade, the thousands of arches that line entrances to every street, building, and exit, and finally it’s magnificent rivers that run through it. Valorim craftsfolk, who trade extensively across The Osi Ocean to the Alterian Kingdoms, are unmatched on their skill with craft but even more dangerous with their tongue. Valorim undoubtedly gained its fame from the skill of its trades as well of its own military prowess as Valorim Cavalry are unmatched and unbeaten throughout Dayne.


Region   Mouth of Kings Bay, Southwest Pallidon(Western Continent)   Valorim sits on the western shore of the continent of Pallidon, within the Kings Bay, that separates the U’Calo Wood and The Frozen Sands. The great river, The Illumiere, runs directly through Valorim connecting the Arin Sea to the Osi Ocean. Far to the east lay the great clans of The Dabu Greenlands. Southwest of Valorim sits the island prison fortress of Zapor.
Alternative Name(s)
Light of the West, City of Arches, Gateway of Illumination
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed, Majority Human. Small amount of Elves, High Orc, Dwarves
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Owning Organization


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