Vasfor, The Obsidian Dragon

Vasfor, also known as The Archonknight. Vasfor is the main reason why the mortal races know Dragons even exist in Dayne. For more than 300 years Vasfor has stood guard over a massive Keep known as the Archonhold. Cutting the continent in half. A Black wall made from pure obsidian, known as Asteroths Wall, lays between the old border of the Kingdoms of Valo and The Fallen lands of Khybur. Some brave souls in the past have even ventured to Asteroths Wall and have seen the massive Wyrm pacing the Obsidian wall from time to time, although no one knows what is beyond or why a great Dragon from the first age is there. Devout followers of Vasfor are known as BlackGuards.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Obsidian Scaled Ancient Wyrm


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