
Society The residents of this town are a very close-knit community. Most have experienced many fights and difficulties while travelling with one another at some point in their lives. Now, most choose to enjoy a quieter life on a semi-neutral location. Yorkbridge’s people are mostly a respectful people and will be welcoming of most visitors. A general unease for nobility does tend come up in casual conversation, but normally is reserved for private discussions among friends. When help is needed, the people band together to help their neighbor. Debt is a rare item here, instead a reserved favor is considered enough for most.



Industry & Trade

Imports Weapons, armor, and livestock   Exports Reagents, mounts, leather   Trade and Commerce Most of the settlements economy is geared toward adventurers. Reagents and similar components are a highly coveted in Yorkbridge. The “adventurer economy” has been more than successful within the pub towns limits. Generally a call will go out at the large guild hall near the center of town and the residents will decide on what is needed for the many. Weapons, armor, magic scrolls, and the such are readily available in town. Many visitors will come in from all over the Free Cities to find a unique weapon or protective item. Various mounts can also be found in the stables near town and also bring in a steady income to Yorkbridge.


Yorkbridge is a small settlement lying near to the northern border of the Kingdom of Kerak that has always been an adventurer town. Nearly all of the permanent residents of Yorkshire were adventurers at some point and now have settled into other roles here. The pub town has no established infrastructure, instead opting to manage matters on an as-needed basis, which has worked for some time. The towns layout resembles a halved circle which faces out toward the lake. Due to its heavy adventurer make-up, it is not uncommon for visitors to enter the town in search of help on a difficult job or situation, especially in Merry City. The area south of Yorkbridge is desolate and wild, which has led some new or minimally experienced adventurers to make their way here to gain some experience.

Points of interest

The Adventurers Guild Hall - A large building of stone walls, decorated with exotic weapons and armor. It is said to be built atop an iron vault, which contains the library and archives of a defeated lich.   The Archer's Blade - An elegant adventurer's tavern, known for the bards which entertain its patrons. The Candied Bacon Deviled Eggs are famous and one of the top requested menu items in Yorkbridge.


Yorkbridge is situated in the northern region of Alteria, being the lone pub town on Lake Agnus. The town is located on the southern portion of the Lake and is southeast of Merry City and north of Williston.
Inhabitant Demonym
Mixed - Majority Human, Dark Elf


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